University of Central Florida: Regional Extension Center Applicant

University of Central Florida College of Medicine seeks stimulus money for medical records
In the first story I’ve seen published on an applicant who received preliminary approval from ONC to be a regional extension center, Fernando Quintero, Orlando Sentinel, reported on October 12, 2009, that the College of Medicine of University of Central Florida has been asked to file a full application by November 3, 2009 in the first of three waves. According to the story, UCF will be eligible for an $8,000,000 grant which is the about the average grant amount expected to be awarded.

In a strong approach to demonstrating stakeholder support, UCF is working to obtain 1,200 letters of support from medical providers by October 27, 2009. Jeannette Schrieber, associate dean of special projects at UCF said “”Our biggest challenge now is to get our local doctors on board with this and build their trust.”

Recent post on e-Healthcare Marketing about update of FAQs on Regional Extension Centers grants program submissions.

If you come across any other published stories on preliminary approval for regional extension centers, please let me know via comments or emailing me at address in “About” link. Thank you.

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