Wil Yu, ONC Special Asst. of Innovations and Research; SHARP Sr. Project Officer

Wil Yu Image of Wil Yu - Special Assistant of Innovations and Research
Special Assistant
of Innovations and Research
Office of Nat’l Coordinator for Health IT

Accessed from ONC site 8/21/2010
“Wil Yu joined the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) in 2009 as Special Assistant of Innovations and Research, initiating and leading the agency’s innovation efforts.

“He directs several innovation initiatives at ONC/HHS and is also collaborating with several programs and reporting efforts related to the achievement of Meaningful Use and the adoption of health IT.

“He is the Senior Project Officer for the Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) program, which funds research focused on achieving breakthrough advances to address barriers that have long impeded the critical adoption of health IT and accelerating progress towards achieving nationwide meaningful use of health IT. The program seeks to support dramatic improvements in the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare, through advanced information technology. Current SHARP priorities include research focused on achieving breakthrough advances to address well-documented problems that have impeded adoption: 1) Security of Health Information Technology; 2) Patient-Centered Cognitive Support; 3) Healthcare Application and Network Platform Architectures; and, 4) Secondary Use of EHR Data.

“Wil also manages an ONC study on the availability of Open Source Health IT. He helped establish an HHS mHealth collaborative working group and is ONC’s representative on the HHS Innovation Council.

“He formerly served as the Director of Research for the Health Technology Center, a research organization and expert network based in San Francisco, where he launched various health technology forecasting initiatives. He worked with HealthTech’s partners – health systems, government agencies, payors, and foundations, and other groups – to provide a rich array of forecast reports, decision tools, webinars and conferences that support planning and deployment of new technology. His research teams examined the impact of disruptive technologies on healthcare stakeholders for over 25 classes of technology related to health IT, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.

“He previously served as an equity analyst covering the healthcare space, later as an associate on the corporate finance team for a boutique investment bank. Additionally, he was VP of Marketing and Business Development for an ambulatory care EMR vendor and an academic researcher analyzing healthcare markets at UC Berkeley.”
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See the Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) Program on ONC site.

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