NHIN Governance: Learn to Speak NHIN on Nov 4 & Have Your Say Too!

1. National eHealth Collaborative (NeHC) Presents
NHIN 202:  NHIN Governance Authorities
2. FACA Blog Seeks Governance Feedback Nov 3

NHIN 202:
Thur, Nov 4, 2010, 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Excerpted/summarized from National eHealth Collaborative on 11/1/2010.
You will learn about the initial recommendations of the Health IT Policy Committee’s Governance Workgroup and the process of turning them into rules. ONC and Advisory Committee/Workgroup leaders will serve as faculty and will respond to your feedback.


  • Mary Jo Deering, PhD – Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Policy and Planning, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC)
  • John Lumpkin – Chair, Health IT Policy Committee Governance Workgroup; Senior VP and Director, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Michael Matthews – Chair, NHIN Exchange Coordinating Committee; Member, Health IT Policy Committee Governance Workgroup; CEO, MedVirginia


  • Aaron Seib – Interim CEO and NHIN Program Director, National eHealth Collaborative

PHASE 1 Recommendations of Workgroup from FACA Blog Post 
Or see FACA Blog post reposted below.
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National eHealth Collaborative Relationship with NHIN
“The Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) is a collection of standards, specifications and policies that enable the secure exchange of health information over the internet. Today, a group of federal and private entities known as the NHIN Exchange have implemented those standards, specifications and policies as one operational model for exchanging health information nationwide. As part of this model, those entities established a committee structure to administer and support their operational approach.

“Through its cooperative agreement with ONC, NeHC is supporting that committee structure, and supports ONC’s efforts to disseminate information about the work of these committees to interested parties and the broader stakeholder community.”

Federal Advisory Committee Blog Post:
Feedback Requested by Nov 3
Governance Workgroup Seeks Comments
on Roles and Responsibilities for Governance

Monday, October 25th, 2010 | Posted by: John Lumpkin on FACA Blog and reposted here by e-Healthcare Marketing. 

The Governance Workgroup (Workgroup) is developing recommendations on governance mechanisms for the nationwide health information network.  The Workgroup identified overarching objectives, key principles and core functions for governance in its Preliminary Report and Recommendations on the Scope of Governance [PDF – 94 KB] presented to the HIT Policy Committee on October 20th.  The Workgroup is now preparing final recommendations on how governance functions should be implemented and by whom.  As a first step, the Workgroup would like to identify existing mechanisms that might be appropriate, with or without modifications, and with or without some added coordination; and whether new mechanisms are needed, and if so, which?  The Workgroup would like public input on these issues and has created a table listing the core functions and questions to frame the input.  The table is available at here [DOC – 81 KB]. A short version of the table is presented below, for your comments.  If you prefer, you can download and complete the table and email it to onc.request@hhs.gov. Please put “Governance Workgroup Recommendations” in the Subject Line.

We would appreciate receiving comments as soon as possible and no later than November 3.

Recommended Governance Functions include:

(For more details, see the Recommendations report [PDF – 94 KB] presented to the HIT Policy Committee)

I. Establish policies for privacy, security, interoperability and to promote adoption of the NW-HIN.

a. Privacy and Security

b.  Interoperability, Eligibility Criteria and Compliance Expectations

c.  Address gaps; coordinate stakeholder input

d. Coordinate with technical and validation bodies

II. Establish technical requirements to assure policy and technical interoperability.

a. Adopt requirements

b. Coordinate with policy setting body

c. Change and transition process

d. Recognize or authorize shared technical services

III. Establishing appropriate mechanisms to assure compliance, accountability and enforcement.

a. Determine eligibility

b. Evaluate compliance

c. Assure accountability

d. Enforce

IV. Oversight of the governance mechanisms.

a. Track issues

b. Monitor ongoing compliance

c. Assess risks and benefits to prevent harm

d. Evaluate effectiveness

e. Resolve disputes

While all comments are welcome, we would specifically like input on these questions for each of the four recommended governance functions listed above:

  1. What existing entity or process could be leveraged NW-HIN governance? How does it function?
  2. What is the jurisdiction for its functions and under what authority does it operate?
  3. What level of formality is used (e.g. self-regulated, state regulated)?
  4. Can it scale to satisfy NW-HIN needs (w/ or w/out changes)?
  5. Does it satisfy NW-HIN governance objectives (w/ or w/out) changes?  If yes, provide rationale.
  6. Are additional mechanisms or processes necessary? Why?

Thank you,
John Lumpkin, MD, MPD, Chair, Governance Workgroup
To comment directly, go to the FACA Blog post.

Miscommunication Among Caregivers Tackled by Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare

Top U.S. Hospitals Identify Causes, Develop Targeted Solutions to Save Lives
October 21, 2010 Press Release from Joint Commission excerpted below.

(OAKBROOK TERRACE, IL – October 21, 2010) An estimated 80 percent of serious medical errors involve miscommunication between caregivers when responsibility for patients is transferred or handed-off. Recognizing this as a critical patient safety issue, a group of 10 leading U.S. hospitals and health care systems teamed up with the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare to use new methods to find the causes of and put a stop to these dangerous and potentially deadly breakdowns in patient care.

Picture above clicks through to Joint Commission page with actual video.
See storyboard Slide Set for “Improving Transitions of Care Hand-off Communications”

Health care organizations have long struggled with the process of passing necessary and critical information about a patient from one caregiver to the next, or from one team of caregivers to another. A hand-off process involves “senders,” the caregivers transmitting patient information and releasing the care of the patient to the next clinician, and “receivers,” the caregivers who accept the patient information and care of the patient.

The Hand-off Communications Project began in August 2009. During the measure phase of the project, the participating hospitals found that, on average, more than 37 percent of the time hand-offs were defective and didn’t allow the receiver to safely care for the patient. Additionally, 21 percent of the time senders were dissatisfied with the quality of the hand-off. Using solutions targeted to the specific causes of an inadequate hand-off, participating organizations that fully implemented the solutions achieved an average 52 percent reduction in defective hand-offs.

The 10 hospitals and health systems that volunteered to address hand-off communications as a critical patient safety problem are:

  • Exempla Lutheran Medical Center, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
  • Fairview Health Services, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Intermountain Healthcare LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah
  • The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center, Clackamas, Oregon
  • Mayo Clinic Saint Marys Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota
  • New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York
  • North Shore-LIJ Health System Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s Medical Center, New Hyde Park, New York
  • Partners HealthCare, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
  • Stanford Hospital & Clinics, Palo Alto, California

Although The Joint Commission requires accredited organizations to use a standardized approach to hand-off communications, breakdowns in communication have been a leading contributing factor in sentinel events, which are unexpected occurrences involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. In addition to patient harm, defective hand-offs can lead to delays in treatment, inappropriate treatment, and increased length of stay in the hospital.

Recognizing that there is no quick fix, the Center and the participating hospitals set out to solve the problems through the application of Robust Process Improvement™ tools. RPI is a fact-based, systematic, and data-driven problem-solving methodology that allows project teams to discover specific risk points and contributing factors, and then develop and implement solutions targeted to those factors to increase overall patient safety and health care quality. Barriers to effective hand-offs experienced by receivers include incomplete information, lack of opportunity to discuss the hand-off, and no hand-off occurred. Senders identified too many delays, receiver not returning a call, or receiver being too busy to take a report as reasons for hand-off failures.

“These 10 organizations are leading the way in finding specific solutions to the complex problem of hand-off communication failures,” says Mark R. Chassin, M.D., M.P.P., M.P.H., president, The Joint Commission. “A comprehensive approach that focuses on systems is the only way to ensure that the many caregivers upon whom patients rely are successfully communicating vital information during these transitions in care.”

The targeted hand-off solutions from the Center, which are described using the acronym SHARE, address the specific causes of unsuccessful hand-offs. SHARE refers to: 

  • Standardize critical content, which includes providing details of the patient’s history to the receiver, emphasizing key information about the patient when speaking with the receiver, and synthesizing patient information from separate sources before passing it on to the receiver.
  • Hardwire within your system, which includes developing standardized forms, tools and methods, such as checklists, identifying new and existing technologies to assist in making the hand-off successful, and stating expectations about how to conduct a successful hand-off.
  • Allow opportunity to ask questions, which includes using critical thinking skills when discussing a patient’s case as well as sharing and receiving information as an interdisciplinary team (e.g., a pit crew). Receivers should expect to receive all key information about the patient from the sender, receivers should scrutinize and question the data, and the receivers and senders should exchange contact information in the event there are any additional questions.
  • Reinforce quality and measurement, which includes demonstrating leadership commitment to successful hand-offs such as holding staff accountable, monitoring compliance with use of standardized forms, and using data to determine a systematic approach for improvement.
  • Educate and coach, which includes organizations teaching staff what constitutes a successful hand-off, standardizing training on how to conduct a hand-off, providing real-time performance feedback to staff, and making successful hand-offs an organizational priority.

In addition to hand-off communications, the Center is aiming to reduce surgical site infections (SSI) following colorectal surgery through a new project launched in August 2010 in collaboration with the American College of Surgeons. Participating organizations include the Mayo Clinic, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, North Shore-LIJ Health System, Cleveland Clinic, Stanford Hospital & Clinics and Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The solutions for this project are expected to be published in the fall of 2011.

All Joint Commission-accredited health care organizations have access to the solutions through the Targeted Solutions Tool™ (TST), which provides a step-by-step process to measure performance, identify barriers to excellent performance, and implement the Center’s proven solutions that are customized to address an organization’s specific barriers. The first set of targeted solutions, created by eight of the country’s leading hospitals and health care systems working in collaboration with the Center, focuses on improving hand hygiene. Accredited organizations can access the TST and hand hygiene solutions on their secure Joint Commission Connect extranet. The targeted solutions for hand-off communications are currently being pilot tested to prove their effectiveness in demographically diverse hospitals and will be added to the TST in the second half of 2011.  A project to reduce the risk of wrong site surgery is also in process. Future projects are expected to focus on preventable hospitalizations, medication errors, and other aspects of infection control.

Statements from the Center’s participating hospitals
“The communication that is involved in patient transfers is a critical concern that can have a severe impact on care. Therefore, we are pleased to participate in The Joint Commission’s Hand-off Communications Project to find ways of improving this process. I am proud of our employees and their efforts.  It is rewarding to know that their work combined with similar activities at the other project participant sites will help improve patient-centered health care across the country.”
Michael J. Dowling, president and CEO, North Shore-LIJ Health System

“This work demonstrates a new and exciting way to deliver safer care. By collaborating with leading institutions around the country, we’re identifying proven strategies that improve communications during critical points of transfer for our patients.”
Mark Eustis, president and CEO, Fairview Health Services
“Patients’ safety is greatly enhanced when we have smooth and effective communication hand-offs as patients move across care settings. So, patients everywhere will benefit from what we and the other leading health care programs have learned in this collaborative effort with The Joint Commission. This initiative greatly increases the chances for good, safe continuity of care for everyone.”
Susan Mullaney, administrator, Kaiser Permanente Sunnyside Medical Center

“Partners HealthCare frequently collaborates with other institutions across the nation on patient quality and safety initiatives — but has never worked with such a comprehensive group at the same time. This collaboration has produced results beyond the capability of any single participant and validates The Joint Commission’s proposition that critical issues in health care can be addressed in a rigorous and thoughtful way. I know that our patients, and patients across the country, will reap benefits from this work.”
Terrence O’Malley, M.D., medical director, Non-Acute Care Services, Partners HealthCare, Massachusetts General Hospital

“We know that breakdowns in communication that can occur when patients are handed-off from one caregiver to another are a leading cause of patient harm and medical errors. Few areas within the spectrum of patient care give us such an enormous opportunity to improve patient outcomes and reduce mistakes as improving these communications. The Joint Commission’s initiative in this area is a welcome start.”
Ronald R. Peterson, president, The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, and executive vice president, Johns Hopkins Medicine

“We believe that this has been an outstanding project and we are thrilled to have been a participant. Hand-off communication is critical to the patient care process. Being able to identify where there are breakdowns in the hand-off process and focus on where we can improve, as well as develop targeted solutions, will improve the quality of care our patients receive.” 
Kevin Tabb, M.D., CMO, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

 ”Exempla Lutheran Medical Center is proud to participate in the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare’s critical initiative to improve the quality of hand-off communications. We know how important it is to communicate accurately and effectively when we transfer patients from one caregiver to another. But what is it that interferes with those communications? Working with the Center and the other participating hospitals, and with the use of Lean Six Sigma, we identified some of the critical barriers to effective communication to establish processes that can be replicated to consistently make patient transfers safer. We are committed to working with the Center and the other participating hospitals to help solve these complex patient safety issues and share best practices.”
Grant Wicklund, president and CEO, Exempla Lutheran Medical Center

The Center is grateful for the generous leadership and support of the American Hospital Association, BD, Ecolab, GE Healthcare, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Johnson & Johnson and Medline Industries, as well as the support of GOJO Industries, Inc. and The Federation of American Hospitals.

Privacy & Security ‘Tiger Team’ Seeks Comments on Provider-Entity Authentication: Due Oct 29

Privacy & Security “Tiger Team” Seeks Comments on Provider-Entity Authentication
Please comment by October 29, 2010

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 | Posted by: Deven McGraw and Paul Egerman and reposted here by e-Healthcare Marketing.

The Privacy & Security Tiger Team is currently considering policy recommendations to ensure that authentication “trust” rules are in place for information exchange between provider-entities (or organizations).  We are currently evaluating these trust rules at the organizational level, and as such, our scope here does not include authentication of individual users of electronic health record (EHR) systems.  For purposes of this discussion, authentication is the verification that a provider entity (such as a hospital or physician practice) seeking access to electronic protected health information is the one claimed, and the level of assurance is the degree of confidence in the results of an authentication attempt. 

We hope that we can have a robust discussion on this blog that provides valuable input on this topic.  All comments are welcome, but we particularly encourage you to consider the following questions:

  1. What strength of provider-entity authentication (level of assurance) might be recommended to ensure trust in health information exchange (regardless of what technology may be used to meet the strength requirement)?
  2. Which provider-entities can receive digital credentials, and what are the requirements to receive those credentials?
  3. What is the process for issuing digital credentials (e.g., certificates), including evaluating whether initial conditions are met and re-evaluation on a periodic basis?
  4. Who has the authority to issue digital credentials?
  5. Should ONC select an established technology standard for digital credentials and should EHR certification include criteria that tests capabilities to communicate using that standard for entity-level credentials?
  6. What type of transactions must be authenticated, and is it expected that all transactions will have a common level of assurance?

Please comment by October 29, 2010, and identify which question(s) you are responding to.

Thank you,
Deven McGraw and Paul Egerman
Privacy & Security Tiger Team Co-Chairs

Please comment directly on ONC Health IT Buzz blog by clicking on this link.

New Health IT Fact Sheet on State & Regional Demonstration Projects Now Available: AHRQ

New Health IT Fact Sheet on State & Regional Demonstration Projects Now Available
Received notice shown immediately below via email on October 8, 2010.
A new AHRQ factsheet is now available. The factsheet, “Health Information Technology: State and Regional Demonstration Projects,” highlights the work of six states in improving health information exchange at a state or regional level. The new factsheet is available online, select to access.

Health Information Technology: State and Regional Demonstration Projects
Fact Sheet

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) awarded projects for supporting statewide data sharing and interoperability activities on a State or regional level aimed at improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for patients and populations.Select to download print version (PDF File, 265 KB). PDF Help.

In 2004, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) awarded five “State and Regional Demonstrations (SRDs) in Health Information Technology” contracts to organizations in Colorado, Indiana, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Utah. A sixth contract, awarded to Delaware, was added in 2005. The 5-year, $5 million projects were aimed at developing data sharing at the regional or State level, with the overarching goal of improving the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for patients and populations.

Although the six SRDs each completed a common set of deliverables, over the course of the contracts, they also developed a variety of approaches with different technical, business, and governance models. The results of the SRDs’ work have informed the types of organizations that may serve as data sharing partners, the policies that pertain to this work, and the sustainability plans for health information exchange (HIE) in their States. The SRDs are involved with some aspect of the statewide HIE, Regional Extension Center, and/or Beacon Community cooperative agreements, which are supported by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, as funded under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. An overview of each project and its key achievements is provided here.

State and Regional HIE Projects

Colorado Regional Health Information Organization (CORHIO). CORHIO began as a nonprofit organization aimed at building a prototype federated data exchange among its four initial partners: Denver Health, Kaiser Permanente of Colorado, The Children’s Hospital, and University of Colorado Hospital. CORHIO and its partners went live with a 1-year data exchange demonstration on December 1, 2008. The system offered the authorized emergency department (ED) practitioners at three sites and call center employees at one site access to the most common radiology reports, laboratory results, prescribed and dispensed medication information, registration information, electrocardiogram images and/or reports, and problem lists aggregated from all sites. CORHIO’s achievements include the development of a useful enterprise Master Patient Index (MPI) and a robust set of policies that can be applied to future HIE efforts. Following the conclusion of its SRD contract, CORHIO has contracted with a new vendor and will be implementing a clinical messaging service. CORHIO is also developing a multiyear plan to bring services to multiple communities across the State.

Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN). DHIN was created by an act of the Delaware General Assembly, which was signed into law in 1997 to advance the creation of a statewide health information and electronic data interchange network for public and private use. In 2007, DHIN became the first operational statewide clinical HIE. Four of Delaware’s hospital systems currently provide data through the DHIN (a fifth will be added in fall 2010), along with LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, and Doctors Pathology Services, a local pathology laboratory. Taken together, DHIN’s data senders provide more than 85 percent of laboratory tests and 81 percent of hospital admissions performed in the State of Delaware. Since going live, DHIN has worked to add value for Delaware’s health care community by providing new data types (e.g., transcribed reports) and new functions (e.g., medication history). As of July 2010, DHIN’s users include 65 percent of the State’s health care providers working at more than 230 practices around the State. DHIN is currently transitioning to a new nonprofit, public/private governance structure that will support ongoing operations and the expansion of services.

Indiana Network for Patient Care (INPC). The INPC was created by Regenstrief Institute in 1994, with the goal of providing clinical information at the point of care for treating patients in the ED. For the SRD project, Regenstrief Institute expanded its activities by bringing on new data sharing partners, provided additional interfaces for laboratory and pathology data, and expanded its activities outside Indianapolis to other surrounding geographic areas. They are also seeking to resolve issues related to scalability and data normalization, given the huge volume of data and number of transactions (INPC processes an average of 2.5 million Health Level 7 messages per week). INPC captures data from a wide range of sources, including over 50 hospitals, physician practices, public health departments, laboratories, radiology centers, pharmacies, pharmacy benefit managers (via SureScripts®), payers, convenience clinics (e.g., those attached to a pharmacy), and long-term care facilities. As of July 2010, the INPC included more than 3 billion coded results, 526 million encounters, and over 53 million text reports. As part of its evaluation, Regenstrief Institute is measuring the value of aggregated clinical data delivered by the INPC for quality improvement. The expected outcome is improved provider compliance with selected clinical quality measures.

Rhode Island: currentcare. The Rhode Island Department of Health (HEALTH) applied for and received the SRD contract from AHRQ on behalf of stakeholders across the State. Development of the statewide exchange, known as currentcare, has been a collaborative effort between HEALTH and the Rhode Island Quality Institute (RIQI). Project governance has been led by RIQI, which became the State-designated health information organization in 2008 and which received contractual and operational responsibility for currentcare in July 2010. The project’s goals are to design, develop, test, deploy, and evaluate an initial health information network to support the secure and reliable exchange of health information, beginning with laboratory results and medication history information. The system is envisioned to link longitudinal patient-level information from source data systems using an MPI, provide a Web-accessible viewer to authorized users in any setting, and interface with electronic health record systems. One of this project’s most important achievements is the development of a broad set of governance, management, and operating policies for currentcare. These policies are integral to ensuring compliance with the RI HIE Act of 2008, which stipulates privacy and confidentiality protections for currentcare that are stricter than some State and Federal health information privacy laws. The project’s evaluation will focus on the development of those policies.

Tennessee: MidSouth eHealth Alliance. The MidSouth eHealth Alliance was formed as a policy-setting body to govern the HIE in Memphis, TN, sponsored by the State of Tennessee and managed in its first 4 years under a sole subcontract to Vanderbilt University. During the initial years, all technical and administrative functions were provided by Vanderbilt. Complete control of the Exchange has been transferred from Vanderbilt and the State to the MidSouth eHealth Alliance. Data services have migrated from Vanderbilt Medical Center to an independent corporation—Informatics Corporation of America. The Exchange began serving clinicians in May 2006 and, as of March 2010, data from 14 hospitals (inpatient and outpatient), 14 primary care safety-net clinics, and the University of Tennessee Medical Group were available to several hundred clinicians working in 14 EDs, 14 primary care clinics, and in hospitals. The overall data are composed of admission, discharge, and transfer data (patient registration data), encounter codes, and clinical data. The latter include laboratory results, diagnostic imaging reports, cardiac study reports, discharge summaries, dictated ED notes, operative notes, history and physical exams, diagnostic codes, patient demographics and other identification, and encounter data. Clinical data, particularly hospital discharge summaries, are most widely used. In the EDs, data are accessed on approximately 7 percent of ED visits.

Utah Health Information Network (UHIN). UHIN is a nonprofit whose partners include physicians, hospitals, laboratories, payers, local health departments, and health centers. UHIN’s project initially involved enhancing the existing gateway for administrative exchange to build clinical information exchange. Ultimately, UHIN and its stakeholders decided to purchase a clinical platform to facilitate clinical exchange, which they call the Clinical Health Information Exchange (cHIE). The cHIE has a modest electronic medical record (EMR), commonly referred to as “EMR lite,” if needed by the clinician (most clinicians in Utah have an EMR); an MPI; results delivery; e-prescribing; and virtual health records query functionality. UHIN is enrolling key data sources and building support among health care providers for participation in the cHIE. As of June 2010, laboratory data is being supplied by two data sources and seven clinics are connected to the cHIE. UHIN has developed a patient consent policy for use with the cHIE. As part of its evaluation, UHIN is analyzing providers’ workflow before and after they implement use of the cHIE at their sites.

For More Information

For additional information on AHRQ projects on health information technology, please visit http://healthit.ahrq.gov/portal/server.pt or contact staff at the AHRQ National Resource Center (NRC) for Health IT at NRC-HealthIT@ahrq.hhs.gov.

Return to Contents

AHRQ Publication No. 10-P011
Replaces AHRQ Pub. No. 07-P005
Current as of August 2010

Internet Citation:

Health Information Technology: State and Regional Demonstration Projects. Fact Sheet. AHRQ Publication No. 10-P011, August 2010. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. http://www.ahrq.gov/research/hitdemoproj.htm

Eight State Strategic & Operational Plans Approved by ONC So Far: Tennessee Latest

ONC posts South Carolina, Tennessee Strategic and Operational Plans in October plus Tennessee Gap Analysis
Plans Approved for California, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah
These plans and dates were excerpted on October 5, 2010 from Office of National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT’s “State HIE Toolkit.” These are from section called “Planning Examples & Case Studies.”

“The State HIE Toolkit is a compilation of resources provided under the auspices of the State HIE Program sponsored by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC).”

Examples of ONC approved Strategic and Operational Plans:

  1. New Mexico Strategic and Operational Plan V2 (update posted 5/18/10) 
  2. Utah Strategic and Operational Plan (posted 5/18/10)
  3. Maryland Strategic and Operational Plan (posted 6/10/10)
  4. Tennessee Gap Analysis and Strategic and Operational Plans (posted 10/1/10) New!
  5. South Carolina Strategic and Operational Plans (posted 10/5/10) New!   

    States/SDEs with Approved Strategic and Operational Plans
    Updated 10/5/10

State Date Approved Date Posted Documents
California 6/16/2010 Will be posted soon  
Delaware 5/17/2010 Will be posted soon  
Maine 8/16/2010 Will be posted soon  
Maryland 5/14/2010 6/10/2010 S&O Plan
New Mexico 1/25/2010 5/18/2010 S&O Plan V2
South Carolina 8/30/2010 10/5/2010 Strategic Plan
Operational Plan
Tennessee 9/17/2010 10/1/2010 Strategic Plan
Operational Plan
Gap Analysis
Utah 5/12/2010 5/18/2010 S&O Plan

See e-Healthcare Marketing post on 31 State Health Information Exchange Plans, last updated on September 1, 2010.

ONC’s McKethan Blogs on New Health IT Beacon Communities: Cincinnati and Detroit

Two New Communities Join the Beacon Family
Thursday, September 2nd, 2010 | Posted by: Aaron McKethan Director of Beacon Communities Program on ONC’s Health IT Buzz blog and republished by e-Healthcare Marketing here.

The Beacon Community program seeks to demonstrate how health IT-enabled improvements in health care quality, efficiency, and population health are possible, sustainable, and replicable in diverse communities across America. The program includes average three-year awards of $15 million to diverse communities with above-average electronic health record adoption rates and, in most cases, experience with information exchange. Collaborations of leaders from each of the 15 Beacon Communities that were awarded back in May have been busy operationalizing and implementing their health IT-enabled innovations that can support new ways of coordinating and streamlining health care and, ultimately, improving the health of local communities. We look forward to sharing more details about these initial activities in the near future.

Today, we are delighted to welcome two additional communities to the Beacon family. They are Greater Cincinnati HealthBridge, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH) and Southeastern Michigan Health Association (Detroit, MI).

The Greater Cincinnati HealthBridge, Inc., serving a 16-county area spanning three states, will work with its partners to build upon an advanced health information exchange to deploy new quality improvement and care coordination initiatives focusing on patients with pediatric asthma and adult diabetes. This program will use health IT tools and resources to provide streamlined and secure clinical information and decision support tools to physicians, health systems, federally qualified health centers, and critical access hospitals. The community collaboration will also provide patients and their families with timely access to data, knowledge, and tools to make more informed decisions and to manage their own health and health care.

The Southeastern Michigan Health Association and its community partners will focus its efforts on preventing and better managing diabetes using health IT tools and resources. Specifically, this effort will focus on coordinating care across health care settings by improving the availability of patient information at the point of care, redesigning patient care work processes, and applying quality improvement and other change management strategies to improve the quality and efficiency of diabetes care in the greater Detroit area.

The success of the Beacon Communities will not be judged by whether they are able to expand the adoption of health IT. Rather, they will be evaluated on the extent to which patients receive measurably better care at a lower overall cost. We are very proud to welcome these new partners representing two communities that are committed to lofty but important aims. We are confident they will demonstrate effective strategies for the nation in the coming years, and we look forward to integrating them into the forward-looking Beacon Community family.
#             #            #
To comment on this blog post, please go directly to ONC’s  Health IT Buzz blog directly.

ONC Selects Cincinnati, Detroit as final 2 Beacon Community Health IT Pilots

Cincinnati, Detroit selected as final health IT pilot communities under  innovative HHS Recovery Act Beacon Program
Received this HHS Press Release via email on Sept 2, 2010:

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today announced that Cincinnati and Detroit are the two final pilot communities selected under the new Beacon Community Program that is using health information technology to help tackle leading health problems in communities across the country.  At the same time, the program will also allow HHS to look for new ways to share the lessons learned by funded communities and, working with local and national health care foundations, develop support networks for other communities that want to employ similar innovative approaches. 

The two awardees announced today, Greater Cincinnati HealthBridge, Inc. in Cincinnati and Southeastern Michigan Health Association in Detroit, join 15 other projects selected in May for the Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program.  The other communities that previously received Beacon program funding include Tulsa, Okla.; Stoneville, Miss.; Brewer, Maine; Danville, Pa.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Indianapolis, Ind.; Spokane, Wash. New Orleans, La.; Rochester, Minn.; Providence, R.I.; Grand Junction, Colo.; Concord, N.C.; San Diego, Calif.; Hilo, Hawaii, and Buffalo, N.Y.  Beacon projects are expected to initially create dozens of new jobs in each of the communities paying an average of $70,000 per year for a total of over 1,100 jobs up-front, while accelerating development of a nationwide health IT infrastructure that will eventually employ tens of thousands of Americans.   

“The Beacon program uses health information technology tools to link health providers and other community-wide resources in new and innovative ways,” Secretary Sebelius said.  “Under the Beacon program, communities first identify leading health problems that are unique to their community, develop innovative, health IT-related strategies, and work together through community collaborations to implement their strategies and track their performance.”  

The Beacon Community awards are part of an overall $100 billion federal government investment in science, innovation and technology the Administration is making through the Recovery Act to spur domestic job creation in emerging industries and create a long-term foundation for economic growth.  There has been significant interest in the program, with over 100 applications for the final two Beacon program slots.  David Blumenthal, M.D., national coordinator for Health Information Technology, said the applications demonstrated widespread readiness in communities across America to use health IT to address specific challenges in health and health care. 

“Beacon communities are designed to point the way toward maximizing community resources to address specific health goals at the local level, including quality of care, the cost of care, and the health of the whole population,” Dr. Blumenthal said.  “We have seen first-hand through the Beacon application process that a great many communities have promising ideas and are starting to use health IT in innovative ways.  We look forward to engaging and helping these communities through a broader nationwide effort.”

In the near term, HHS’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT will work closely with other federal partners and the private sector to identify and share promising health IT health care solutions among communities across America.  

“Although we could only select two additional Beacon communities, we are incredibly impressed by the creativity and focus exhibited by communities over the course of this competition,” said Blumenthal. “Local leadership is an essential ingredient to improving health care. The Beacon Community application process provides strong evidence that communities throughout the country are mobilizing for positive change, using health IT as a critical foundation for improving health care.”

Like other Beacon communities, today’s awardees will coordinate community efforts toward specific goals: 

The Greater Cincinnati HealthBridge, Inc. – $13.8 million over three years – HealthBridge will serve a 16-county area spanning three states surrounding greater Cincinnati. Under the Beacon program, HealthBridge and its partners will use its advanced health information exchange program to develop new quality improvement and care coordination initiatives focusing on patients with pediatric asthma, adult diabetes, and encouraging smoking cessation. For example, not only will physicians and other providers receive more timely and accurate information about when their patients experience a medical complication or are hospitalized, they will have new support from care managers to use this information effectively to intervene early and assist patients in managing their health and avoiding further complications. This program will provide better clinical information and IT “decision support” tools to physicians, health systems, federally qualified health centers, and critical access hospitals. As part of the Beacon program, this health IT community collaboration will also provide patients and their families with timely access to data, knowledge, and tools to make informed decisions and manage their own health and health care.  

The Southeastern Michigan Health Association (SEMHA) – $16.2 million over three years – The SEMHA and its partners in the greater Detroit area will use health IT tools and strategies to prevent and better manage diabetes, which today affects a large percentage of residents of the city of Detroit. This community collaboration will leverage existing and new technologies across health care settings to improve the availability of patient information at the point of care, regardless of where the patient is in the health system. Furthermore, the community will provide practical support to physician practices to help clinicians, nurses, and others make the best use of electronic health data to catch potential health complications before they arise.  The city’s clinical community will have the capacity to track clinical outcomes with the overarching goal of making long-term, sustainable improvements in the quality and efficiency of diabetes care in Detroit, Hamtramck, Highland Park, Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. 

The Beacon program is one of several new programs created by the Health Information Technology Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act last year.  HITECH included $2 billion for technical assistance, training and demonstration programs supporting the adoption of heath information technology, including electronic health records (EHRs).  Total funding for the Beacon program initiatives is $250 million plus an additional $15 million for technical assistance and evaluation.  In addition, HITECH authorized incentive payments to health care professionals and hospitals to reward adoption and meaningful use of EHRs.  The incentive payments, provided through Medicare and Medicaid, could total as much as $27 billion over 10 years.  These incentive payments are part of the broader efforts in Medicare and Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act to transform payments to reward better quality care. 

More information about Beacon Communities can be found at:  http://Healthit.hhs.gov/Programs/Beacon

For information about the Affordable Care Act and other efforts to promote improved care delivery, see:

For information about other HHS Recovery Act programs, see:
#                #                 #

ONC Site Map Updated in Conjunction with New Health IT Unified Theme

“Connecting America for Better Health” – ONC for HIT
Web Site Map for Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT
On August 27, 2010, the Office of National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT announced a new “unified identity for Health IT”  which includes a “new theme and visual identity” for the ONC Web site and ONC and can be seen at the top of ONC Web pages.

The site map below for  ONC’s Web site is pulled primarily from the left navigation bar on the ONC site with some additional links to key areas. [Please send any corrections or comments to e-Healthcare Marketing. This is an update to a previous site map posted on February 16, 2010 on e-Healthcare Marketing, including new workgroups.]

While the visible structure of the Web site remains mainly the same, the home page and much of the underlying architecture appears to have been updated to simplify access to users, highlight new and important content, and simplify the addition of new information anticipated to come soon, such as announcements of the  Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies (ATCB) and Certified EHRs and EHR Modules.

The new theme and identity ”really captures the spirit of these combined efforts to boost national adoption of electronic health records and ensure success. The insignia will also help people easily identify and connect with official HITECH information, resources, programs, and partners,” wrote Communucations Director Peter Garrett on the Health IT Buzz blog on August 27, 2010. Now to the site map.

DERIVED SITE MAP FOR  http://healthit.hhs.gov

          Meaningful Use
          Certification Program
          Privacy and Security
          HITECH Programs
          On the Frontlines of Health Information Technology
               NEJM Articles: Dr. Blumenthal
                                             Dr. Benjamin
          Federal Advisory Committees

Top Banner Links
          Get email updates from ONC
          Follow ONC on Twitter

HITECH & FUNDING Opportunities
          Contract Opportunities
          Learn about HITECH
          HIT Extension Program — Regional Extension Centers Program
          Beacon Community Program

     State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program
     Health Information Technology Extension Program
     Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) Program
     Community College Consortia to Educate HIT Professionals Program
     Curriculum Development Centers Program
     Program of Assistance for University-Based Training
     Competency Examination Program
     Beacon Community Program

                  (Meeting Calendar At-A-Glance)

HIT Policy Committee Meetings
          Meeting Webcast & Participation
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
HIT Policy Committee Recommendations
HIT Policy Committee Workgroups
          Meaningful Use
          Information Exchange
          Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN)
          Strategic Planning
          Privacy & Security Policy
          Privacy & Security Tiger Team
          Quality Measures

Health IT Standards Committee Meetings
          Meeting Webcast & Participation
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
HIT Standards Committee Recommendations
HIT Standards Committee Workgroups
          Clinical Operations
          Clinical Quality
          Privacy & Security
          Vocabulary Task Force

           Meaningful Use
           Privacy and Security
           Standards and Certification
          State-Level Health Initiatives 
          Nationwide Health Information Network
          Federal Health Architecture
          Clinical Decision Support & the CDS Collaboratory
                 FACA Meeting Calendar
          Fact Sheets
          Federal Health IT Programs
          Technical Expert Workshops

         News Releases (2007 – Present)
         FACA Meeting Calendar
         Fact Sheets
         Federal Health IT Programs
         Technical Expert Workshops

          Coordinator’s Corner: Updates from Dr. Blumenthal
          Budget & Performance
          Contact ONC and Job Openings
#                             #                     #

For a review of the new look and feel of the ONC site, see an earlier post on e-Healthcare Marketing.

Maine Gets Approval for Plan to Expand Health Information Technology

Maine Gets Approval for Plan to Expand Health Information Technology
Press Release from Office of the Governor of Maine|
August 25, 2010
AUGUSTA – Governor John E. Baldacci announced that Maine has won approval from the Federal government for the full use of its grant of nearly $6.6 million to expand and coordinate health information technology throughout the State.  

Maine is only the sixth state in the country to have its implementation plan approved by the Office of the National Coordinator, the office of the federal Department of Health and Human Services that spearheads coordination of advancement of health information technology across the country. 

“This approval reflects Maine’s leadership in developing strategies to advance electronic medical records and, through the nonprofit Health InfoNet, assure that such information can be readily available all across the state whenever and wherever a patient and her provider needs access to it,” said Governor Baldacci. “Electronic exchange of information speeds access to care, avoids unnecessary, costly repeat tests and helps prevent medical mistakes.”

In March, the federal government announced that Maine qualified for nearly $6.6 million over four years in Recovery Act funds for expanding its plan to expand health information technology. A small portion of funds were available immediately, with the remaining funds contingent on the approval from the federal Office of the National Coordinator.  

Also in March, the federal government awarded $4.7 million in Recovery Act funds to HealthInfoNet, the State’s designated health information exchange. Those funds provide support for health care providers who adopt health information technology in their practice. 

Maine has been in the forefront of increasing quality and efficiency in health care delivery. In April, the Governor created the Office of the State Coordinator for Health Information Technology by Executive Order. The Order also established a Health Information Steering Committee that will advise the Coordinator.  

For more information on the federal health information technology grant and goals toward improving patient care, visit http://healthit.hhs.gov

#                    #                  #
Healthcare IT News’s Molly Merril reported this story August 26, 2010 with an interview with Shaun Alfreds, Chief Operating Officer of the Maine HIE, HealthInfoNet. Merrill also reports that Maine is the sixth state to receive approval for both its strategic and operational plans. The first three approved were New Mexico, Utah, and Maryland. That leaves two mysterious  states, unless it has escaped the attention of e-Healthcare Marketing and other news sources. 


HealthInfoNet: http://www.hinfonet.org

For strategic and operational plans from Maine and 25 other states, see this previous post on e-Healthcare Marketing.

Privacy and Security Tiger Team’s Recommendations in Full Text

Health IT Policy Committee Approves Tiger Team Recommendations
Mary Mosquera reported in Government HealthIT reported on August 20, 2010
“The Health & Human Services Department Health IT Policy Committee endorsed a set of recommendations on when health care providers must obtain consent before exchanging patient heath records electronically with other clinicians, testing labs or health information exchange (HIE) networks.”

Here’s the full-text version of the Tiger Team’s recommendations to the Health IT Policy Committee, which the committee approved and sent on to the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT.
PDF Version
HTML Version below:

August 19, 2010

David Blumenthal, MD, MPP
Chair, HIT Policy Committee
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, D.C. 20201

Dear Mr. Chairman:

An important strategic goal of the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) is to build public trust and participation in health information technology (IT) and electronic health information exchange by incorporating effective privacy and security into every phase of health IT development, adoption, and use.

A Privacy and Security “Tiger Team,” formed under the auspices of the HIT Policy Committee, has met regularly and intensely since June to consider how to achieve important aspects of this goal.

The Tiger Team has focused on a set of targeted questions raised by the ONC regarding the exchange of personally identifiable health information required for doctors and hospitals to qualify for incentive payments under Stage I of the Electronic Health Records Incentives Program.

This letter details the Tiger Teamʼs initial set of draft recommendations for the HIT Policy Committeeʼs review and approval.

Throughout the process, the HIT Policy Committee has supported  the overall direction of the Tiger Teamʼs evolving recommendations, which have been discussed in presentations during regular Policy Committee meetings this summer. There has always been an understanding, however, that the Tiger Team would refine its work and compile a set of formal recommendations at the end of summer for the HIT Policy Committeeʼs final review and approval.

It bears repeating: The following recommendations apply to electronic exchange of patient identifiable health information among known entities to meet Stage I of “meaningful use — the requirements by which health care providers and hospitals will be eligible for financial incentives for using health information technology. This includes the exchange of information for treatment and care coordination, certain quality reporting to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and certain public health reporting.

Additional work is needed to apply even this set of initial recommendations specifically to other exchange circumstances, such as exchanging data with patients and sharing information for research. We hope we will be able to address these and other key questions in the months to come.

Most importantly, the Tiger Team recommends an ongoing approach to privacy and security that is comprehensive and firmly guided by fair information practices, a well-established rubric in law and policy. We understand the need to address ad hoc questions within compressed implementation time frames, given the statutory deadlines of the EHR Incentives Program. However, ONC must apply the full set of fair information practices as an overarching framework to reach its goal of increasing public participation and trust in health IT.

Core Tiger Team Recommendation:
All entities involved in health information exchange – including providers (1)
and third party service providers like Health Information Organizations (HIOs) and other intermediaries – should follow the full complement of fair information practices when handling personally identifiable health information.

Fair information practices, or FIPs, form the basis of information laws and policies in the United States and globally. This overarching set of principles, when taken together, constitute good data stewardship and form a foundation of public trust in the collection, access, use, and disclosure of personal information.

We used the formulation of FIPs endorsed by the HIT Policy Committee and adopted by ONC in the Nationwide Privacy and Security Framework for Electronic Exchange of Individually Identifiable Health Information. (2)  The principles in the Nationwide Framework are:
(1) Our recommendations are intended to broadly apply to both individual and institutional providers.
(2) http://healthit.hhs.gov/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_

            • Individual Access – Individuals should be provided with a simple and timely means to access and obtain their individually identifiable health information in a readable form and format.           

            • Correction – Individuals should be provided with a timely means to dispute the  accuracy or integrity of their individually identifiable health information, and to have  erroneous information corrected or to have a dispute documented if their requests are denied.           

            • Openness and Transparency – There should be openness and transparency    about policies, procedures, and technologies that directly affect individuals and/or their individually identifiable health information.           

            • Individual Choice – Individuals should be provided a reasonable opportunity and  capability to make informed decisions about the collection, use, and disclosure of  their individually identifiable health information. (This is commonly referred to as the individualʼs right to consent to identifiable health information exchange.)          

            • Collection, Use, and Disclosure Limitation – Individually identifiable health      information should be collected, used, and/or disclosed only to the extent necessary         to accomplish a specified purpose(s) and never to discriminate inappropriately.           

            • Data Quality and Integrity – Persons and entities should take reasonable steps to         ensure that individually identifiable health information is complete, accurate, and up-    to-date to the extent necessary for the personʼs or entityʼs intended purposes and     has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner.          

            • Safeguards – Individually identifiable health information should be protected with           reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to ensure its  confidentiality, integrity, and availability and to prevent unauthorized or inappropriate   access, use, or disclosure.           

            • Accountability – These principles should be implemented, and adherence  assured, through appropriate monitoring and other means and methods should be in   place to report and mitigate non-adherence and breaches.

The concept of remedies or redress — policies formulated in advance to address situations where information is breached, used, or disclosed improperly — is not expressly set forth in this list (although it is implicit in the principle of accountability). As our work evolves toward a full complement of privacy policies and practices, we believe it will be important to further spell out remedies as an added component of FIPs.

We also note that in a digital environment, robust privacy and security policies should be bolstered by innovative technological solutions that can enhance our ability to protect information. This includes requiring that electronic record systems adopt adequate security protections (like encryption, audit trails, and access controls), but it also extends to decisions about infrastructure and how health information exchange will occur, as well as how consumer consents will be represented and implemented. The Tiger Teamʼs future work will need to address the role of technology in protecting privacy and security.


In addition to a firm embrace of FIPs, the Tiger Team offers the following set of Core Values to guide ONCʼs work to promote health information technology:

             • The relationship between the patient and his or her health care  provider isthe foundation for trust in health information exchange, particularly with  respect to protecting the confidentiality of personal health information.           

             • As key agents of trust for patients, providers are responsible for  maintaining the privacy and security of their patientsʼ records.           

              • We must consider patient needs and expectations. Patients should not  be surprised about or harmed by collections, uses, or disclosures of  their  information.Ultimately, to be successful in the use of health information exchange  to  improve health and health care, we need to earn the trust of both consumers    and physicians.


ONC has asked the Tiger Team for specific recommendations in the following areas:

            • Use of intermediaries or third party service providers in identifiable health  information exchange;

            • Trust framework to allow exchange among providers for purpose of treating  patients;

            • Ability of the patient to consent to participation in identifiable health information  exchange at a general level (i.e., yes or no), and how consent should be  implemented;

            • The ability of technology to support more granular patient consents (i.e., authorizing  exchange of specific pieces of information while excluding other records); and

            • Additional recommendations with respect to exchange for Stage I of Meaningful Use – treatment, quality reporting, and public health reporting.

All of our recommendations and deliberations have assumed that participating individuals and entities are in compliance with applicable federal and state privacy and security laws.

We evaluated these questions in light of FIPs and the core values discussed above.

1.    Policies Regarding the Use of Intermediaries/Third Party Service Providers/ Health Information Organizations (HIOs)

In the original deliberations of the Privacy and Security Work Group of the HIT Policy Committee, we concluded that directed exchange among a patientʼs treating providers – the sending of personally identifiable health information from “provider A to provider B” – is generally consistent with patient expectations and raises fewer privacy concerns, assuming that the information is sent securely.

However, the Tiger Team recognized that a number of exchange models currently in use are known to involve the use of intermediaries or third party organizations that offer valuable services to providers that often facilitate the effective exchange of identifiable health information (“third party service organizations”). A common example of a third party service organization is a Health Information Organization (HIO) (as distinguished from the term “health information exchange” (HIE), which can be used to refer to information exchange as a verb or a noun.) The exposure of a patientʼs personally identifiable health information to third party service organization raises risk of disclosure and misuse, particularly in the absence of clear policies regarding that organizationʼs right to store, use, manipulate, re-use or re-disclose information.

Our recommendations below regarding third party service organizations aim to address the following fair information practices:           

             Individual Access
✔        Openness and Transparency 
            Individual Choice
✔        Collection, Use, and Disclosure Limitation
Data Quality and Integrity Safeguards
✔        Accountability

Tiger Team Recommendation 1: With respect to third-party service organizations:

                    Collection, Use and Disclosure Limitation: Third party service organizations   may not collect, use or disclose personally identifiable health information for   any purpose other than to provide the services specified in the business   associate or service agreement with the data provider, and necessary  administrative functions, or as required by law.

                      Time limitation: Third party service organizations may retain personally identifiable health information only for as long as reasonably necessary to  perform the functions specified in the business associate or service agreement  with the data provider, and necessary administrative functions.

                        Retention policies for personally identifiable health information must be established,   clearly disclosed to customers, and overseen. Such data must besecurely returned or destroyed at the end of the specified retention period, according to established NIST standards and conditions set forth in the business associate or service agreement.

                      Openness and transparency: Third party service organizations should be obligated to disclose in their business associate or service agreements with  their customers how they use and disclose information, including without   limitation their use and disclosure of de-identified data, their retention policies   and procedures, and their data security practices.(3)

            • Accountability: When such third party service organizations have access to  personally identifiable health information, they must execute and be bound by  business associate agreements under the Health Insurance Portability and   Accountability Act regulations (HIPAA). (4) However, itʼs not clear that those agreements have historically been sufficiently effective in limiting a third-partyʼs use or disclosure of identifiable information, or in providing the required transparency.

               • While significant strides have been made to clarify how business associates  may access, use and disclose information received from a covered entity, business associate agreements, by themselves, do  not address the full complement of governance issues, including oversight,
(3) This is the sole recommendation in this letter that also applies to data that qualifies as de-identified under HIPAA. The “Tiger Team” intends to take up de-identified data in a more comprehensive way in subsequent months.
(4)  45 CFR 164.504(e).
accountability, and enforcement. We recommend that the HIT Policy  Committee oversee further work on these governance issues.

2. Trust Framework For Exchange Among Providers for Treatment

The issue of provider identity and authentication is at the heart of even the most basic exchange of personally identifiable health information among providers for purposes of a patientʼs treatment. To an acceptable level of accuracy, Provider A must be assured that the information intended for provider B is in fact being sent to provider B; that providers on both ends of the transaction have a treatment relationship with the subject of the information; and that both ends are complying with baseline privacy and security policies, including applicable law.

Our recommendations below regarding trusted credentialing aim to address the following fair information practices:
Individual Access Correction
✔        Openness and Transparency 
            Individual Choice Collection, Use, and Disclosure Limitation
✔        Data Quality and Integrity 
✔        Accountability

 Tiger Team Recommendation 2.1:

            • Accountability: The responsibility for maintaining the privacy and security of        a patientʼs record rests with the patientʼs providers, who may delegate    functions such as issuing digital credentials or verifying provider identity, as  long as such delegation maintains this trust.  

                        o To provide physicians, hospitals, and the public with an acceptable  level of accuracy and assurance that this credentialing responsibility is  being delegated to a “trustworthy” organization, the federal government   (ONC) has a role in establishing and enforcing clear requirements about     the credentialing process, which must include a requirement to validate   the identity of the organization or individual requesting a credential.

                         o State governments can, at their option, also provide additional rules  for credentialing service providers so long as they meet minimum  federal requirements.  

We believe further work is necessary to develop policies defining the appropriate level of assurance for credentialing functions, and we hope to turn to this work in the fall. A trust framework for provider-to-provider exchange also must provide guidance on acceptable levels of accuracy for determining whether both the sending and receiving provider each have a treatment relationship with the person who is the subject of the information being exchanged. Further, the trust framework should require transparency as to whether both senders and recipients are subject to baseline privacy and security policies. We offer the following recommendations on these points:

Tiger Team Recommendation 2.2:  

Openness and transparency: The requesting provider, at a minimum, should provide attestation of his or her treatment relationship with the individual who is subject of the health information exchange.  

Accountability: Providers who exchange personally identifiable health information should comply with applicable state and federal privacy and security rules. If a provider is not a HIPAA-covered entity or business associate, mechanisms to secure enforcement and accountability may include:  

o Meaningful user criteria that require agreement to comply with the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules;  

o NHIN conditions of participation;  

o Federal funding conditions for other ONC and CMS programs; and  

o Contracts/Business Associate agreements that hold all participants to HIPAA, state laws, and any other policy requirements (such as those that might be established as the terms of participation).

Openness and transparency: Requesting providers who are not covered by HIPAA should disclose this to the disclosing provider before patient information is exchanged.  

3.    Right of the patient or provider to consent to identifiable health information       exchange at a general level — and how are such consents implemented

The Tiger Team was asked to examine the role that one of the fair information practices – individual choice or patient consent – should play in health information exchange. The recommendations cover the role of consent in directed exchange, triggers for when patient consent should be required (beyond what may already be required by law), the form of consent, and how consent is implemented. We also set forth recommendations on whether providers should be required to participate in certain forms of exchange. We must emphasize that looking at one element of FIPs in isolation is not optimal and our deliberations have assumed strong policies and practices in the other elements of FIPs required to support the role of individual consent in protecting privacy. 

            Our recommendations below regarding patient consent aim to address the following fair information practices:

            Individual Access 
            Openness and Transparency
✔        Individual Choice
Collection, Use, and Disclosure Limitation
 Data Quality and Integrity  

 A.   Consent and Directed Exchange

 Tiger Team Recommendation 3.1:

            • Assuming FIPs are followed, directed exchange for treatment does not  require patient consent beyond what is required in current law or what has been customary practice.

 Our recommendation about directed exchange is not intended to change the patient-provider relationship or the importance of the providerʼs judgment in evaluating which parts of the patient record are appropriate to exchange for a given purpose. The same considerations and customary practices that apply to paper or fax exchange of patient health information should apply to direct electronic exchange. As always, providers should be prepared and willing to discuss with patients how their information is disclosed; to take into account patientsʼ concerns for privacy; and also ensure the patient understands the information the receiving provider or clinician will likely need in order to provide safe, effective care.

B. Trigger for Additional Patient Consent
     Tiger Team Recommendation 3.2: 

      •     When the decision to disclose or exchange the patientʼs identifiable health  information from the providerʼs record is not in the control of the provider or  that providerʼs organized health care arrangement (“OHCA”), (5) patients   should be able to exercise meaningful consent to their participation. ONC    should promote this policy through all of its levers.  

            •   Examples of this include:  

                        o A health information organization operates as a centralized model, which retains identifiable patient data and makes that information available to other parties.  

                        o A health information organization operates as a federated model and                                 exercises control over the ability to access individual patient data.            

                        o Information is aggregated outside the auspices of the provider or OHCA and comingled with information about the patient from other    sources.
Organized health care arrangement (45 CFR 160.103) means: (1) A clinically integrated care setting in which individuals typically receive health care from more than one health care provider; (2) An organized system of health care in which more than one covered entity participates and in which the participating covered entities: (i) Hold themselves out to the public as participating in a joint arrangement; and (ii) Participate in joint activities that include at least one of the following: (A) Utilization review, in which health care decisions by participating covered entities are reviewed by other participating covered entities or by a third party on their behalf; (B) Quality assessment and improvement activities, in which treatment provided by participating covered entities is assessed by other participating covered entities or by a third party on their behalf; or (C) Payment activities, if the financial risk for delivering health care is shared, in part or in whole, by participating covered entities through the joint arrangement and if protected health information created or received by a covered entity is reviewed by other participating covered entities or by a third party on their behalf for the purpose of administering the sharing of financial risk. [provisions applicable to health plans omitted]

             • As we have noted previously, the above recommendation on consent applies  to Stage 1 Meaningful Use (thus, if consent applies, it applies to exchange for    treatment). We will need to consider potential additional triggers when we start  to discuss exchange beyond Stage One of Meaningful Use.  

            An important feature of meaningful consent criteria, outlined further below, is  that the patient be provided with an opportunity to give meaningful consent    before the provider releases control over exchange decisions. If the patient does not consent to participate in an HIO model that “triggers” consent, the   provider should, alternatively, exchange information through directed    exchange. There are some HIOs that offer multiple services. The provider may still contract with an HIO to facilitate directed exchange as long as the      arrangement meets the requirements of recommendation 1 of this letter.

C. Form of Consent

Consent in our discussions refers to the process of obtaining permission from an individual to collect, use or disclose her personal information for specified purposes. It is also an opportunity to educate consumers about the decision, its potential benefits, its boundaries, and its risks.

While the debate about consent often devolves into a singularly faceted discussion of opt-in or opt-out, we have come to the conclusion that both opt-in and opt-out can be implemented in ways that fail to permit the patient to give meaningful consent. For example, consider the case in which patients are provided with opt-in consent, but the exercise of consent and education about it are limited – the registration desk provides the patient with a form that broadly describes all HIO uses and disclosures and the patient is asked to check a box and consent to all of it. As another example, consider the case in which patients have a right to opt-out – but the patient is not provided with time to make the decision and information about the right or how to exercise it can only be found in a poster in the providerʼs waiting room or on a page of the HIOʼs website. It would jeopardize the consumer trust necessary for HIOs to succeed to simply provide guidance to use “opt-in” or “opt-out” without providing additional guidance to assure that the consent is meaningful.

Tiger Team Recommendation 3.3: Meaningful Consent Guidance When Trigger Appliesʼs consent is “triggered,” such consent must be meaningful (6) in that it:

In a circumstance where patient

            Allows the individual advanced knowledge/time to make a decision. (e.g., outside of the urgent need for care.)          

            • Is not compelled, or is not used for discriminatory purposes. (e.g., consent to participate in a centralized HIO model or a federated HIO model is not a  condition of receiving necessary medical services.)

            • Provides full transparency and education. (i.e., the individual gets a clear   explanation of the choice and its consequences, in consumer-friendly language that is conspicuous at the decision-making moment.)

            • Is commensurate with the circumstances. (I.e., the more sensitive, personally  exposing, or inscrutable the activity, the more specific the consent   mechanism. Activities that depart significantly from patient reasonable    expectations require greater degree of education, time to make decision,  opportunity to discuss with provider, etc.)

            • Must be consistent with reasonable patient expectations for privacy, health, and safety; and

            • Must be revocable. (i.e., patients should have the ability to change their consent preferences at any time. It should be clearly explained whether such    changes can apply retroactively to data copies already exchanged, or whether  they apply only “going forward.”)

 D. Consent Implementation Guidance

Further considerations for implementation includes the following guidance:

Tiger Team Recommendation 3.4 :

            • Based on our core values, the person who has the direct, treating    relationship with the individual, in most cases the patientʼs provider, holds the    trust relationship and is responsible for educating and discussing with
 patients about how information is shared and with whom.            • Such education should include the elements required for meaningful choice, as well as understanding of the “trigger” for consent (i.e., how information is being accessed, used and disclosed).            • The federal government has a significant role to play and a responsibility to educate providers and the public (exercised through policy levers).            • ONC, regional extension centers, and health information organizations  should provide resources to providers, model consent language, and educational materials to demonstrate and implement meaningful choice. HIOs  should also be transparent about their functions/operations to both providers  and patients.            • The provider/provider entity is responsible for obtaining and keeping track of  patient consent (with respect to contribution of information from their records.) However, the provider may delegate the management/administrative functions to a third party (such as an HIO), with appropriate oversight.The Tiger Team was asked whether providers should have a choice about participating in exchange models.

E. Provider Consent to Participate in Exchange

Tiger Team Recommendation 3.5: Yes! Based on the context of Stage I Meaningful Use, which is a voluntary program, ONC is not requiring providers to participate in any particular health information exchange.Our recommendations below regarding granular consent aim to address the           following fair information practices:Individual Access                  
                        Openness and Transparency
✔        Individual Choice
Collection, Use, and Disclosure Limitation
                        Data Quality and Integrity
In making recommendations about granular consent and sensitive data, we have the following observations:

4. The current ability of technology to support more granular patient consents.

            • All health information is sensitive, and what patients deem to be sensitive is likely to be dependent on their own circumstances.

            • However, the law recognizes some categories of data as being more sensitive than others.            

            • Unless otherwise required by law and consistent with our previous recommendation 3.1, with respect to directed exchange for treatment, the presence of sensitive data  in the information being exchanged does not trigger an additional requirement to  obtain the patientʼs consent in the course of treating a patient.

            • Our recommendations on consent do not make any assumptions about the capacity for an individual to exercise granular control over their information. But since this capability is emerging and its certainly fulfills the aspiration of individual control, we  sought to understand the issue in greater depth.

            • The Tiger Team considered previous NVHS letters and received a presentation of  current NCVHS efforts on sensitive data. We also held a hearing on this topic to try to understand whether and how current EHR technology supports the ability for patients to make more granular decisions on consent – in particular, to give consent to the providers to transmit only certain parts of their medical record.

            • We learned that many EHR systems have the capability to suppress psychotherapy notes (narrative). We also learned that some vendors offer the individual the ability to suppress specific codes. We believe this is promising. With greater use and demand, this approach could possibly drive further innovations.

            • We also note, however, that the majority of witnesses with direct experience in    offering patients the opportunity for more granular control indicated that most patients (7) agreed to the use of their information generally and did not exercise   granular consent options when offered the opportunity to do so. The Tiger Team also learned that the filtering methodologies are still evolving and improving, but that challenges remain,
(7) Witnesses offered estimates of greater than 90%.
 particularly in creating filters that can remove any associated or related information  not traditionally codified in standard or structured ways.

            • While it is common for filtering to be applied to some classes of information by commercial applications based on contractual or legal requirements, we understand that most of the commercial EHR systems today do not provide this filtering capability at the individual patient level. There are some that have the capability to allow the user to set access controls by episode of care/encounter/location of  encounter, but assuring the suppression of all information generated from a particular episode (such as prescription information) is challenging.

            • Preventing what may be a downstream clinical inference is clearly a remaining   challenge and beyond the state of the art today. Even with the best filtering it is hard to guarantee against “leaks.”

            • The Tiger Team believes that methodologies and technologies that provide filtering capability are important in advancing trust and should be further explored. There are several efforts currently being piloted in various stages of development. We believe   communicating with patients about these capabilities today still requires a degree of  caution and should not be over sold as fail-proof, particularly in light of the reality of             downstream inferences and the current state of the art with respect to free text.    Further, communicating to patients the potential implications of fine-grained filtering  on care quality remains a challenge.

            • We acknowledge that even in the absence of these technologies, in very sensitive cases there are instances where a completely separate record may be maintained and not released (abortion, substance abuse treatment, for example). It is likely that  these practices will continue in ways that meet the expectations and needs of  providers and patients.

            • In our ongoing deliberations, we discussed the notion of consent being bound to the data such that it follows the information as it flows across entities. We know of no    successful large-scale implementation of this concept in any other sector (in that it achieved the desired objective), including in the case of digital rights management   (DRM) for music. Nonetheless, we understand that work is being done in this emerging area of technology, including by standards organizations.

            • While popular social networking sites are exploring allowing users more granular control (such as Facebook), the ability of individuals to exercise this capability as     intended is still unclear.(8) In addition, the data that
(8) See http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/13/technology/personaltech/13basics.html  and http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/05/12/business/facebook-privacy.html .

                        populates a Facebook account is under the userʼs control and the user has unilateral access to it. Health data is generated and stored by myriad of entities in addition to the patient.

            • Even the best models of PHRs or medical record banks provide individuals with control over copies of the individualʼs information. They do not provide control over the copy of the information under the providerʼs control or that is generated as a part of providing care to the patient. They also do not control the flow of information once    the patient has released it or allowed another entity to have access to it.

            • Discussions about possible or potential future solutions were plentiful in our deliberations. But the Tiger Team believes that solutions must be generated out of  further innovation and, critically, testing of implementation experience.

            • The Tiger Team also considered previous NCVHS letters and received a presentation of current NCVHS efforts on sensitive data.

            • The Tiger Team therefore asked whether and what actions ONC might take to stimulate innovation and generate more experience about how best to enable patients to make more granular  consent decisions.

Tiger Team Recommendation 4: Granular ConsentThe technology for supporting more granular patient consent is promising  but is still in the early stages of development and adoption. Furthering   experience and stimulating innovation for granular consent are needed.This is an area that should be a priority for ONC to explore further, with a wide vision for possible approaches to providing patients more granular  control over the exchange and use of their identifiable health information, while also considering implications for quality of care and patient safety, patient educational needs, and operational implications.The goal in any related endeavor that ONC undertakes should not be a search for possible or theoretical solutions but rather to find evidence (such as through pilots) for models that have been implemented successfully and in   ways that can be demonstrated to be used by patients and fulfill their expectations. ONC and its policy advising bodies should be tracking this issue in an ongoing way and seeking lessons learned from the field as health information exchange matures.

            • In the interim, and in situations where these technical capabilities are being developed and not uniformly applied, patient education is  paramount: Patients must understand the implications of their decisions and the extent to which their requests can be honored, and we  encourage setting realistic expectations. This education has implications for providers but also for HIOs and government.                       Our additional recommendations below regarding Stage 1 of Meaningful Use aim to address the following fair information practices:
Individual Access
                        Openness and Transparency
✔        Individual Choice
✔        Collection, Use, and Disclosure Limitation
Data Quality and Integrity
Tiger Team Recommendation 5:

5. Exchange for Stage 1 of Meaningful Use – Treatment, Quality reporting, Public health reporting

                      • Individual Consent: The exchange of identifiable health information for “treatment” should be limited to treatment of the individual who is the subject of the information, unless the provider has the consent of the subject individual to access, use, exchange or disclose his or her  information to treat others. (We note that this recommendation may  need to be further refined to ensure the appropriate care of infants or  children when a parentʼs or other family members information is needed to provide treatment and it is not possible or practical to obtain even a general oral assent to use a parentʼs information.)Collection, Use and Disclosure Limitation: Public health reporting by providers (or HIOs acting on their behalf) should take place using the least amount of identifiable data necessary to fulfill the lawful public  health purpose for which the information is being sought. Providers   should account for disclosure per existing law. More sensitive identifiable data should be subject to higher levels of protection.  
                        o In cases where the law requires the reporting of identifiable data (or where identifiable data is needed to accomplish the  lawful public health purpose for which the information is sought),                                    identifiable data may be sent. Techniques that avoid identification, including pseudonymization, should be considered, as appropriate.

            • Collection, use and Disclosure Limitation: Quality data reporting by providers (or HIOs acting on their behalf) should take place using the least amount of identifiable data necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the information is being sought. Providers should account for disclosure. More  sensitive identifiable data should be subject to higher levels of protection.

            • The provider is responsible for disclosures from records under its control, but    may delegate lawful quality or public health reporting to an HIO (pursuant to a business associate agreement) to perform on the  providerʼs behalf; such delegation may be on a “per request” basis or  may be a more general delegation to respond to all lawful requests.


The foregoing recommendations were targeted to address set of questions raised by ONC. They should not be taken as the definitive or final word on privacy and security and health IT/health information exchange; they are instead a set of concrete steps that the Tiger Team believes are critical to establishing and maintaining trust. As we have said from the outset, these recommendations can only deliver the trust necessary when they are combined with the full implementation of all the FIPs. Only a systemic and comprehensive approach to privacy and security can achieve confidence among the public. In particular, our recommendations do not address directly the need to also establish individual access, correction and safeguards capabilities, and we recommend these be considered closely in the very near future, in conjunction with a further detailed assessment of how the other FIPs are being implemented.

We look forward to continuing to work on these issues.

Deven McGraw Chair
Paul Egerman Co-Chair

Appendix A—Tiger Team Members
Deven McGraw, Chair, Center for Democracy & Technology
Paul Egerman, Co-Chair
Dixie Baker, SAIC
Rachel Block, NYS Department of Health
Carol Diamond, Markle Foundation
Judy Faulkner, EPIC Systems Corp.
Gayle Harrell, Consumer Representative/Florida
John Houston, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; NCVHS
David Lansky, Pacific Business Group on Health
David McCallie, Cerner Corp.
Wes Rishel, Gartner
Latanya Sweeney, Carnegie Mellon University
Micky Tripathi, Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative