New Jersey Health Information Exchange Program
Named and Filed (pdf) on Sept 11, 2009
Along with states and territories across the country, New Jersey filed its Letter of Intent (pdf) to Office of National Coordinator about the Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program on September 11, 2009. The letter declared the state’s plan to develop the “New Jersey Health Information Exchange Program,” to include a “fully self-supporting statewide exchange” and “the most comprehensive, promising, complete and clinically meaningful health information initiatives.” The state fully intends to supply both Strategic and Operational Plans to ONC by the October 16, 2009 deadline.
In addition to providing a history of HIT and HIE programs in the state, New Jersey’s leadership roles in the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC), regional exchanges of Immunization Registry data with Pennsylvania and New York City, and State Level Health Information Exchange interstate initiative were described.
The letter also noted the state-wide health information network plan developed by New Jersey Hospital Association in 2007 could “be used as the basis of a more comprehensive model which will integrate the subsequent work of various regional health information exchanges that have or are being formed throughout New Jersey.”
The two signatories, Jed Seltzer, Executive Director of the NJ Health IT Commission, and William O’Byrne, State Coordinator of NJ Office of e-HIT, led a guidance teleconference in the morning answering questions about the New Jersey State grant program for HIE projects within the state that could be folded into the October 16, 2009 filing.
The Letter of Intent was posted on the Health Information Exchange Grants page of the NJ 2009 Recovery and Reinvestment Plan Web site.
See prevous e-Healthcare Marketing post about New Jersey’s initiative to find the best HIE projects to fold within its statewide HIE program proposal to ONC. That internal program has a filing deadline of September 25, 2009 ahead of the October 16, 2009 federal ONC deadline.