Laboratory Information spotlight at HIT Policy Committee/
Information Exchange Workgroup Hearing Oct 20, 2009
Per the Federal Register Oct 6, 2009 notice, ”The (HIT Policy Committee’s Information Exchange) Workgroup will be hearing testimony from invited experts and stakeholders in the area of electronic exchange of laboratory information.” The function of the Workgroup is “To provide recommendations to the National Coordinator on a policy framework for the development and adoption of a nationwide health information technology infrastructure that permits the electronic exchange and use of health information as is consistent with the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan and that includes recommendations on the areas in which standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria are needed.
“The Information Exchange Workgroup is charged with making recommendations to the HIT Policy Committee on issues related to policies, governance, sustainability, and architectural approaches to enable health information exchange.”
The College of American Pathologists sent comments to ONC on June 26, 2009 (pdf) about the need to recognize the role pathologists play in lab information, and how that role should impact the ”Meaningful Use” matrix. As of June, the comments stated “the draft matrix does not take into consideration that pathologists do not typically have access to the patient’s health record, including EHR’s and personal health records (PHR), hampering the ability of the pathologist to access all the clinical information necessary to determine appropriate testing, test interpretation and follow-up.”
Federal Register Notice
HIT Policy Committee Upcoming Meetings
October 20, 2009: 9am to 3pm
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington DC