Blumenthal tells Oct 14, 2009 HIT Standards Committee:
Standards development key to healthcare reform
Diana Manos of Healthcare IT News reported on October 14, 2009, that David Blumenthal, MD, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology told the HIT Policy Committee ‘Congress may not know it or realize it, but you all are very much at the center’ of making health reform happen, he told members of the HIT Standards Committee.”
Chopra seeks outside advice on health IT standards
Mary Mosquera of Government Health IT reported on October 14, 2009, “Aneesh Chopra, the White House’s chief technology officer and chairman of the panel’s newly formed standards implementation group, said he wants to mine the lessons of other industries in using information handling standards successfully and then apply them broadly to healthcare.” Chopra plans to get public feedback using a two-week online forum on standards usage, and said there would be a hearing on Oct 29, 2009 to share best practices on implementing standards.
Halamka reports on HIT Standards Committee Oct 14 meeting
In an “Adoption and Implementation” post on Life as a Healthcare CIO blog (October 13, 2009) prior to the meeting, John Halamka wrote “To me, the work ahead is continued evolution of the work we’ve done to ensure adoption of the standards is widespread and implementation is accelerated.” Halamka describes the upcoming stages of health data exchange from 2011 to 2015, and what will be required.
In his October 14, 2009 post “The October HIT Standards Committee Meeting,” Halamka recounted David Blumenthal’s comments, who “emphasized that we need to expand the scope of our NHIN (Nationwide Healthcare Information Network) thinking to include consumer health information platforms in addition to the provider and government organizations that have been the focus to date.” The post describes the various workgroup reports, notes that testimony from security experts would be the focus of the November 19, 2009 HIT Standards Committee meeting, and describes the need for the HIT Standards and Policy Committees to work together on privacy and security issues and the assumptions on health information exchange.
HIT Standards Committee — October 14, 2009
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