The HITECH Foundation for Information Exchange
Sent by email November 12, 2009 and available on ONC site:

A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
As the many activities mandated by the HITECH Act move forward, I want to take a moment to share my vision of the overarching goal and some of its implications. Our goal, above all else, is to make care better for patients, and to make it patient-centered. Information policy and health IT policy should serve that goal.
A key premise: information should follow the patient, and artificial obstacles – technical, business related, bureaucratic – should not get in the way. As a doctor, I have many times wanted access to data that I knew were buried in the computers or paper records of another health system across town. Neither my care nor my patients were well served in those instances. That is what we must get beyond. That is the goal we will pursue, and it will inform all our policy choices now and going forward. This means that information exchange must cross institutional and business boundaries. Because that is what patients need. Exchange within business groups will not be sufficient – the goal is to have information flow seamlessly and effortlessly to every nook and cranny of our health system, when and where it is needed, just like the blood within our arteries and veins meets our bodies’ vital needs.
If we are to reap the benefit of information exchange, Americans must also be assured that the most advanced technology and proven business practices will be employed to secure the privacy and security of their personal health information, both within and across electronic systems, and that persons and organizations who hold personal health data are trustworthy custodians of the information. We must have comprehensive, clear, and sustainable policies that strengthen existing protections, fill gaps as they emerge, fortify new opportunities for patients’ access to and control of their information, and align with evolving technologies. I will devote a separate letter to this critical issue and the many activities mandated by the HITECH Act that we are developing.
On the question of exchange, however, the HITECH Act is pretty specific about eliminating inappropriate barriers.
It squarely tackles the commercial barriers. The HITECH Act calls for the “development of a nationwide health information technology infrastructure that allows for the electronic use and exchange of information and that…promotes a more effective marketplace, greater competition…[and] increased consumer choice” among other goals. (Section 3001(b)) This means we cannot support arrangements that restrict the secure, private exchange of information required for patient care across provider or network boundaries. Some of these arrangements may improve care for those inside their walls. But ultimately, they have the potential to carve the nation up into disconnected silos of information, and thus, to undermine the vision of a secure, interoperable, nationwide health information infrastructure, which the law requires us to establish. Consumers, patients and their caretakers should never feel locked into a single health system or exchange arrangement because it does not permit or encourage the sharing of information.
It tackles the economic barriers. The HITECH Act incentives for providers and hospitals are powerful tools. While the official definition of “Meaningful Use” won’t be finalized until next year, the HITECH Act specifically highlights “information exchange” as one requirement for the incentives.
It tackles the technical barriers. The HITECH Act focuses on “interoperability” or “interoperable products.” In plain English, this means that our policies, programs, and incentives must aim for electronic health record (EHR) software and systems that can share information with different EHRs and networks so that information can follow patients wherever they go. And to build the pipelines to carry this information, HHS is directed to invest in the infrastructure to “support the nationwide electronic exchange and use of health information …including connecting health information exchanges…” (Section 3011) This means we will work with all our partners in the health and IT industries and with organizations that are committed to information sharing to develop the technologies and policies that can help us deliver information securely, privately, and accurately to whomever needs to see it on behalf of the patient’s health. We must ensure interoperability for the future.
It provides building blocks for information exchange across jurisdictions. The grants for states and state-designated entities in Section 3013 – which will total $564 million – target information exchange across boundaries, not only within each state but explicitly as part of a nationwide framework. We will start announcing the awards this winter. These grantees’ activities must support interoperability that lets patient data follow the patient across political and geographic boundaries. The grantees will be our partners in building the nationwide infrastructure mentioned previously.
In short, the HITECH Act not only authorizes but requires us to mobilize all our policies, programs, and incentives to give the American people the patient-centric care they deserve and expect.
I look forward to engaging all our partners in this unique opportunity.
David Blumenthal, M.D., M.P.P.
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Updates from the National Coordinator for Health Informtation Technology
#1 Aug 19, 2009: Electronic Health Records and the 21st Century Health System
#2 Aug 20, 2009: News on Next Steps Toward Nationwide Health Information Exchange
#3 Oct 1, 2009: “Meaningful” Progress Toward Electronic Health Information Exchange
#4 Nov 12, 2009: The HITECH Foundation for Information Exchange
Footnotes from Dr. David Blumenthal Letter:
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) encourages you to share this information as we work together to enhance the quality, safety and value of care and the health of all Americans through the use of electronic health records and health information technology.
If you have difficulty viewing this message, please view it online.
This certainly resonates with me, we have 14 disparate legal entities sharing a common infrastructure and HIE. I fear that many groups are interpreting the meaningful use requirement to share CCD’s at all transitions of care to mean within the 4 walls of the institution or organization. I have been visited twice in the past two weeks from just those types of organizations… it is overwhelming for them to think beyond their 4 walls since they have so much to do to get their own house in order in this regard so to stretch that to the community seems overwhelming to them. If we do not define this part of the HITECH Act to include exchanges with ‘outside’ entities then we will fall short and if provider groups do not collaborate around the patient then we will also fall short. Somehow we must incentivize HIE at the community / patient level, not the institution or organization level which is what I am seeing now… David Delano, Northern Berkshire eHealth Collaborative
David Delano–
What single step do you think is most likely to incentivize HIE at the community/patient level?
Mike Squires
e-Healthcare Marketing
Dear Dr. Blumenthal,
One costly barrier that still blocks the exchange and reduces the usability of patient care information across provider and network boundaries is the use of variable formats by all commercial EHR, PHR and HIE platforms to report patient diagnostic test results as fragmented and incomplete data.
The simple solution is to use a standard format to display the results of all 6,000 different available tests as clinically integrated information.
The physician-designed Diagnostic Information System (DIS) standard format displays all test results as relevant, organized and easily read information on up to 80 percent fewer screens and pages. It is described and illustrated at: .
Finally tearing down this hidden wall will help achieve the important national goals of enhancing the quality, safety and value of care and the health of all Americans through the use of EHRs and health IT and giving the American people the patient-centric care they deserve and expect.
Our small group of experienced physicians sees significant value in using an open collaborative innovation model and making an in-kind contribution of the U.S. patent development rights to physicians and hospitals.
We would appreciate a chance to discuss this opportunity to advance both interoperability and clinical efficiency with you in more detail at any convenient time.
Bob Coli, MD