Curriculum Development Centers: FOA Modified, Technical Call on 12/17

Curriculum Development Centers:
FOA Modification; Technical Assistance Call on 12/17
Major changes appear to be 1) development funding changed to one 2-year period, 2) applicants no longer limited to non-profits, and 3) data collection methodology explanation postponed. See excerpts below and refer to ONC Web site for official updates.

Email received from ONC: Latest news, 12/15:  The Curriculum Development Centers Program has released a revised Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).  Visit or for the updates.  We have also developed a FAQ which highlights the key revisions made to the document for your convenience. This FAQ is located here.

Please note that a Technical Assistance call is scheduled for potential applicants on Thursday, December 17, 2009, at 3:00 – 4:00 P.M. EST.

Interested parties are encouraged to join the call using the following information:

To participate:
Dial in number: 1-888-982-4496 (toll-free)
Participant passcode: 8701213 

First Time Users:
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use Microsoft Office Live Meeting.

There will be time reserved for a Question and Answer session; questions should be submitted by email to or via the Microsoft Office Live Meeting interface.  A transcript of the call and the slide deck will be posted on shortly after the call.  For detailed information on the Curriculum Development Centers Program, visit or

Visit for information on the various HITECH Funding Opportunity Announcements.

Note: links were corrected to guide e-Healthcare Marketing readers to correct location.

Modifications excerpted from FAQs accessed on 1/15/09.
D1. Could you please outline the changes made to the original funding opportunity announcement released in the revised version posted December 15, 2009?
Section II.1, Summary of Funding:
The word “approximately” has been added to describe total amount of funding available.
The budget period has been changed from 2 one-year year periods to one 2-year period (and now matches the project period).

Section II.3, Evaluation and Milestones:
Two paragraphs have been added to describe how the awardees’ progress toward the key milestones will be monitored and their performance assessed.

Section III.1, Eligible Applicants:
Eligibility is no longer limited to only applicants with nonprofit status.

Section III.3a, Application Screening Criteria:
The screening criteria will no longer limit eligibility to applicants with nonprofit status.
The project narrative page limit has been expanded to 25 pages (from 20 pages).

Section IV.2, Address to Request and Submit Application Package:
Information has been added to satisfy the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act pertaining to collection of information for the application.

Section IV.3c, Project Narrative:
The project narrative page limit has been expanded to 25 pages (from 20 pages).

Section IV.3f, Budget Narrative/Justification:
The budget period has been changed from 2 one-year year periods to one 2-year period (and now matches the project period).

Appendix G – Recovery Act-Required Performance Measures
The requirement for the applicant to discuss their data collection methods in the application has been removed. This information can be submitted at a later time.

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