Patient-Centered e-Health Summit: Feb 3, 2010

Patient-Centered e-Health Conference: Feb 3, 2010
Join HIMSS New Jersey Chapter and Stevens Institute of Technology
for a half-day conference in which thought leaders and innovators will share their insights and debate how
–mobile clinics and telemedicine for rural and  underserved populations,
–remote health monitoring and IT-enabled chronic disease management, and
–personalized Internet communications & social networks
will (or will not) help achieve the dual healthcare reform goals of lower costs and higher quality outcomes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010,
noon to 6pm, (includes buffet lunch)
plus 6pm Networking
Pre-registration required

Stevens Institute of Technology campus in Hoboken, NJ
(on the Hudson River directly opposite mid-town Manhattan,
accessible by PATH train or ferry, car, Newark Airport taxi/rail)

AGENDA   (pdf version)
12:00Noon: Check-in and buffet lunch

1:00 pm:  Welcome from Stevens and NJHIMSS 

1:05 pm: Theme: Access to Experts Anywhere
Real-Time Consults and On-Demand Education Across the Globe
     John Riel, President, Medical Missions for Children  
Connectivity Issues in Emerging Nations
     Steven Landman, Entrepreneur, Carego International and LiveWellWireless
Distance Health: From Critical Care to the Home
Joseph A. Tracy, VP, Telehealth Services, Lehigh Valley Health Network
Panel Discussion moderated by Stevens faculty plus
–Jeb Weisman, NYC Children’s Fund, IT Support Challenges for Mobile Clinics
–Ed Eichhorn, President, Medilink Consulting Group
–Ray Burke, AT&T Healthcare Solutions Practice

2:15 pm: Keynote on Patient-Centered E-Health and U.S. Health Reform
     Paul H. Keckley, PhD, Executive Director
     Deloitte Center for Health Solutions

3:30pm Theme: Disease Management with Patient Involvement
Ethnographic Design Approaches for People-Centered Devices

      Scott Laidlaw, Market Development Manager, Intel Digital Health Group: Kathleen Albright, Strategic Account Manager, GE Healthcare
Patient-Centric Approaches for Post-Acute Care
      John Derr, CIO, Golden Living
The Consumer Perspective: Who, What, When, Where, and Why
      Kim Slocum, President, KDS Consulting and Book Author:
     “Consumer Directed Health Care”
Panel Discussion moderated by Stevens faculty plus
–Jim Tosone, Director & Team Lead, Healthcare Informatics, Pfizer
     –A Pharmaceutical Company Initiative Highlights
–Douglas Ratner, MD, Chairman and Program Director, LibertyHealth System
     –Chair, NJ Disease Management Study Commission: Report Highlights
–Leonard Pogach, MD, Director, Center for Healthcare Knowledge Management, VA-NJ Healthcare System, and Professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine, UMDNJ
     –VA Disease Registries and Knowledge Management Initiative Highlights
–Michael McGuire, CEO, UnitedHealthCare of New Jersey [or designee]

5:00 pm: Theme:  IT-Enabled Patient Engagement
Social Networking at Juvenation:  The First Year Lessons

      James Szmak, CIO, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
User-Generated Health Data: Tackling the Integrity Issues
     Sally Okun, RN, PatientsLikeMe
Panel Discussion moderated by Stevens faculty plus
–Thomas Gregorio, VP and CIO, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
     –Social Media Challenges from a Hospital CIO Perspective Highlights
–Helen Oscislawski, Attorney, Fox Rothschild LLP
     –Social Media Issues from a Legal Perspective Highlights

5:55 pm: Wrapup

6:00 to 7:00 pm: Networking Reception

      Babbio Center Atrium

Please sign up today
$135 for conference participation
Pre-registration required

This program is sponsored by NJHIMSS, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Howe School of Technology Management. 
The conference is produced by Carol Brown, PhD, Distinguished Professor and Program Director, Howe School of Technology Management, Stevens Institute of Technology, joined by NJHIMSS members Al Campanella, VP-CIO, Virtua Health; Tony Ferrante, Director, Bus Dev-Healthcare, Computer Design & Integration LLC; and Mike Squires, Director, Marketing & Communications, BluePrint Healthcare IT.

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