Health Information Exchange Summit: Feb 4-5, 2010

Online Attendance Registration (starts at $795 for government, academia; $1,395 for others)
Three Conference Agendas

Pre-conference summary and agenda excerpted from HIE Summit Web site.
“A variety of new federal programs directed to states, such as those related to health information exchange capacity, technical assistance to support health IT adoption for “meaningful use” and pilot projects involving public and private sector payers, have recently been launched. These developments require that state and local leaders – and the key leaders across every sector of healthcare involved in these activities – react quickly to drive for success in this new and challenging terrain, with high visibility and significant investment at stake. In addition, the foundational infrastructures built and enhanced through these investments – if well implemented – can offer foundational support for healthcare reform efforts related to improvements in both care delivery and population health.”The National Health Information Exchange Summit is designed to support national, state and local leaders in effectively navigating the challenges related to building health information exchange capacity across physician practices, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, health plans, to support care delivery and improvements in population health. Participants will learn about emerging trends and policies that will impact their programs and will receive recommendations about how to respond, alternative strategies being employed across the field and their effectiveness, and best practices for deployment in the following key areas:  –Designing and employing good governance practices to drive success
–Building in a sustainable model to support efforts when the grant money runs out
–Developing and employing good policies and practices related to privacy and security to comply with new laws and rules, and build trust within your community
–Navigating the numerous technical options–and deciding which strategy is right for your community
–Aligning state and local efforts to maximize impact and success
–Successfully employing good procurement policies to achieve outcomes
–Designing communication and engagement policies and practices to facilitate transparency and trust across stakeholder groups and with the public

“Through a combination of carefully selected keynote presentations, small workshops and networking sessions, participants will significantly expand their knowledge base and build a network of support for future dialogue. The National Health Information Exchange Summit is a must-attend event for any federal, state or local leader – across the range of stakeholder groups – who are either leading or participating in initiatives related to the use of health IT and health information exchange to improve health and healthcare.” 

Joint Plenary Session 8 AM – 12 PM
–Aneesh Chopra, US CTO, The White House
–David Blumenthal, National Coordinator, HHS
–Carolyn Clancy, MD, Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
–Troyen Brennan, EVP and CMO, CVS Caremark
–J. Marc Overhage, President and CEO, IHIE
–Sue McAndrew, Dep. Director for Health Information Privacy, Office for Civil Rights, HHS
–Steven J Stack, MD, Emergency Physician, AMA Trustee
–Reed Tuckson, EVP and Chief Medical Affairs, UnitedHealthGroup

Plenary Session 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM
–John Glaser, Senior Advisor, ONC
–Bruno Nardone, Assoc. Partner, IBM Global Business Services
Track Sessions 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Closing Plenary Session 8:00 AM – 12 PM
–Michael Rapp, CMS—Director, Quality Measurement and Health Assessment Group, Office of Clinical Standards and Quality
–John Halamka, CIO, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
–Mark Frisse, MD, MBA, Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt
–J. Marc Overhage, President and CEO, IHIE; Dir., Medical Informatics, Regenstrief Institute
–David Cochran, Pres and CEO, Vermont Information Technology Leaders
–Keith Hepp, CFO and VP, BusDev, Healthbridge
–William Rollow, MD, MPH,  Health Care Value and Transformation, IBM Global Business Services
–Arthur Glasgow, Sr VP, Gen’l Mgr, Health Information Networks, Ingenix

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