Health Reform Bill References (After Page 1,050) to Health Information Technology–Part II
This Part II post covers references that appear after page 1,050 to health information technology and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT in the“Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” approved by the House of Representatives on March 21, 2010 and passed by the Senate in December 2009. Page numbers at the end of each reference are based on the Senate pdf: [PDF of Senate version which was approved by House]
For Part I of “Health Reform Bill References to Health IT” on e-Healthcare Marketing, with references to Health IT in the first 1,050 pages, click here. (Numbering continues from part I.)
23. SEC. 3502. (Continued from Part I of post on Health Reform Bill) ESTABLISHING COMMUNITY HEALTH TEAMS TO SUPPORT THE PATIENT-CENTERED MEDICAL HOME“(6) provide support necessary for local primary care providers to—…(J) establish a coordinated system of early identification and referral for children at risk for developmental or behavioral problems such as through the use of infolines, health information technology, or other means as determined by the Secretary;” p. 1051
24. ”(7) provide 24-hour care management and support during transitions in care settings including—…(9) demonstrate a capacity to implement and maintain health information technology that meets the requirements of certified EHR technology (as defined in section 3000 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300jj)) to facilitate coordination among members of the applicable care team and affiliated primary care practices;” p. 1054
25. “(b) PERSONALIZED PREVENTION PLAN SERVICES DEFINED…‘‘(F) To the extent practicable, the Secretary shall encourage the use of, integration with, and coordination of health information technology (including use of technology that is compatible with electronic medical records and personal health records) and may experiment with the use of personalized technology to aid in the development of self-management skills and management of and adherence to provider recommendations in order to improve the health status of beneficiaries.” p. 1158.
26. ‘‘SEC. 3101. DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS, AND QUALITY…‘‘(3) DATA MANAGEMENT.—In collecting data described in paragraph (1), the Secretary, acting through the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology shall—‘‘(A) develop national standards for the management of data collected; and‘‘(B) develop interoperability and security systems for data management.” p. 1222
27. “Subtitle B—Innovations in the Health Care Workforce SEC. 5101. NATIONAL HEALTH CARE WORKFORCE COMMISSION…(ii) An analysis of the nature, scopes of practice, and demands for health care workers in the enhanced information technology and management workplace.” p. 1255
28. “Subtitle D—Enhancing Health Care Workforce Education and Training…‘‘(3) PRIORITIES IN MAKING AWARDS.—In awarding grants or contracts under paragraph (1)the Secretary shall give priority to qualified applicants that—‘‘(H) provide training in enhanced communication with patients, evidence-based practice, chronic disease management, preventive care, health information technology, or other competencies as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry and the National Health Care Commission established in section 5101 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act;” p. 1321
29. SEC. 5405. PRIMARY CARE EXTENSION PROGRAM…(grants to) ‘‘(H) provide training in enhanced communication with patients, evidence-based practice,chronic disease management, preventive care, health information technology, or other competencies as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry and the National Health Care Workforce Commission established in section 5101 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act;” p.1412
30. Subtitle G—Improving Access to Health Care Services SEC. 5604. CO-LOCATING PRIMARY AND SPECIALTY CARE IN COMMUNITY-BASED MENTAL HEALTH SETTINGS…(1) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—The term ‘eligible entity’ means a qualified community mental health program defined under section 1913(b)(1). ‘‘(2) SPECIAL POPULATIONS.—The term ‘special populations’ means adults with mental illnesses who have co-occurring primary care conditions and chronic diseases. ‘‘(b) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.—The Secretary, acting through the Administrator shall award grants and cooperative agreements to eligible entities to establish demonstration projects for the provision of coordinated and integrated services to special populations through the co-location of primary and specialty care services in community-based mental and behavioral health settings…‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—For the benefit of special populations, an eligible entity shall use funds awarded under this section for—‘‘(C) information technology required to accommodate the clinical needs of primary and specialty care professionals; p. 1488
31. ”SEC. 6114. NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS ON CULTURE CHANGE AND USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING HOMES.” Demonstration project “for the development of best practices in skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities for the use of information technology to improve resident care.” p. 1597
32. ”Subtitle D—Patient-Centered Outcomes Research SEC. 6301. PATIENT-CENTERED OUTCOMES RESEARCH” Institute…”The Office of Communication and Knowledge Transfer (referred to in this section as the ‘Office’) at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (or any other relevant office designated by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality), in consultation with the National Institutes of Health, shall broadly disseminate the research find2ings that are published by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute established under section1181(b) of the Social Security Act (referred to in this section as the ‘Institute’) and other government-funded research relevant to comparative clinical effectiveness research….The Office shall also develop a publicly available resource database that collects and contains government-funded evidence and research from public, private, not-for profit, and academic sources.” ‘‘(2) REQUIREMENTS.—The Office shall provide for the dissemination of the Institute’s research findings and government-funded research relevant to comparative clinical effectiveness research to physicians, health care providers, patients, vendors of health information technology focused on clinical decision support, appropriate professional associations, and Federal and private health plans. Materials, forums, and media used to disseminate the findings, informational tools, and resource databases shall—23 ‘‘(A) include a description of considerations for specific subpopulations, the research methodology, and the limitations of the research, and the names of the entities, agencies, instrumentalities, and individuals who conducted any research which was published by the Institute; and ‘‘(B) not be construed as mandates, guidelines, or recommendations for payment, coverage, or treatment. ‘‘(b) INCORPORATION OF RESEARCH FINDINGS.—The Office, in consultation with relevant medical and clinical associations, shall assist users of health information technology focused on clinical decision support to promote the timely incorporation of research findings disseminated under subsection (a) into clinical practices and to promote the ease of use of such incorporation.” p.1649
33. ‘‘PART II—PROGRAMS TO PROMOTE ELDER JUSTICE SEC. 2041. ENHANCEMENT OF LONG-TERM CARE.‘‘(a) GRANTS AND INCENTIVES FOR LONG-TERM CARE STAFFING.—…‘‘(b) CERTIFIED EHR TECHNOLOGY GRANT PROGRAM.—‘‘(1) GRANTS AUTHORIZED.—The Secretary is authorized to make grants to long-term care facilities for the purpose of assisting such entities in offsetting the costs related to purchasing, leasing, developing, and implementing certified EHR technology (as defined in section 1848(o)(4)) designed to improve patient safety and reduce adverse events and health care complications resulting from medication errors. ‘‘(2) USE OF GRANT FUNDS.—Funds provided under grants under this subsection may be used for any of the following: ‘‘(A) Purchasing, leasing, and installing computer software and hardware, including handheld computer technologies.‘‘(B) Making improvements to existing computer software and hardware.‘‘(C) Making upgrades and other improvements to existing computer software and hardware to enable e-prescribing.‘‘(D) Providing education and training to eligible long-term care facility staff on the use of such technology to implement the electronic transmission of prescription and patient information.” p. 1791
34. SEC. 10109. DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARDS FOR FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSACTIONS…‘‘(B) SOLICITATION OF INPUT.—For purposes of subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall seek input from— ‘‘(i) the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, the Health Information Technology Policy Committee, and the Health Information Technology Standards Committee; p. 2121
35. SEC. 10305. DATA COLLECTION; PUBLIC REPORTING…(2) COLLECTION AND AGGREGATION OF DATA.— The Secretary shall collect and aggregate consistent data on quality and resource use measures from information systems used to support health care delivery, and may award grants or contracts for this purpose. The Secretary shall align such collection and aggregation efforts with the requirements and assistance regarding the expansion of health information technology systems, the interoperability of such technology systems, and related standards that are in effect on the date of enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. p. 2182
36. SEC. 10410. CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE FOR DEPRESSION.(a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as ‘‘Establishing a Network of Health-Advancing National Centers of Excellence for Depression Act of 2009’’ or the‘‘ENHANCED Act of 2009’’…‘‘(2) IMPROVED TREATMENT STANDARDS, CLINICAL GUIDELINES, DIAGNOSTIC PROTOCOLS, AND CARE COORDINATION PRACTICE.—Each Center shall collaborate with other Centers in the network to—…‘‘(D) use electronic health records and telehealth technology to better coordinate and manage, and improve access to, care, as determined by the coordinating center.” p. 2311
[PDF of Senate version which was approved by House]
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