Add’l $30.3 Mil to Fund Two New Beacon Health IT Communities

ONC to Add 16th and 17th Beacon Health IT Communities
Excerpted from ONC Beacon Communities Page
“The Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program provides communities with funding to build and strengthen their health information technology (health IT) infrastructure and exchange capabilities. These communities will demonstrate the vision of a future where hospitals, clinicians, and patients are meaningful users of health IT, and together the community achieves measurable improvements in health care quality, safety, efficiency, and population health.

“In May 2010, ONC made awards to 15 Beacon Communities. An additional $30.3 million is currently available to fund additional Beacon Community cooperative agreement awards. An announcement to apply was made on May 26, 2010.

“Beacon Communities will generate and disseminate evidence and insights that are applicable to the rest of the nation about the use of health IT resources to inform a range of specific clinical, care delivery, and other reforms that, together, can enable communities to achieve measurable and sustainable improvements in health care cost, quality, and population health. The Beacon Community Program will include $250 million in awards to 17 communities with an additional $15 million for technical assistance to help these communities succeed and to evaluate what works.”

Learn more about the Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program:

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