Eight State Strategic & Operational Plans Approved by ONC So Far: Tennessee Latest

ONC posts South Carolina, Tennessee Strategic and Operational Plans in October plus Tennessee Gap Analysis
Plans Approved for California, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah
These plans and dates were excerpted on October 5, 2010 from Office of National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT’s “State HIE Toolkit.” These are from section called “Planning Examples & Case Studies.”

“The State HIE Toolkit is a compilation of resources provided under the auspices of the State HIE Program sponsored by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC).”

Examples of ONC approved Strategic and Operational Plans:

  1. New Mexico Strategic and Operational Plan V2 (update posted 5/18/10) 
  2. Utah Strategic and Operational Plan (posted 5/18/10)
  3. Maryland Strategic and Operational Plan (posted 6/10/10)
  4. Tennessee Gap Analysis and Strategic and Operational Plans (posted 10/1/10) New!
  5. South Carolina Strategic and Operational Plans (posted 10/5/10) New!   

    States/SDEs with Approved Strategic and Operational Plans
    Updated 10/5/10

State Date Approved Date Posted Documents
California 6/16/2010 Will be posted soon  
Delaware 5/17/2010 Will be posted soon  
Maine 8/16/2010 Will be posted soon  
Maryland 5/14/2010 6/10/2010 S&O Plan
New Mexico 1/25/2010 5/18/2010 S&O Plan V2
South Carolina 8/30/2010 10/5/2010 Strategic Plan
Operational Plan
Tennessee 9/17/2010 10/1/2010 Strategic Plan
Operational Plan
Gap Analysis
Utah 5/12/2010 5/18/2010 S&O Plan

See e-Healthcare Marketing post on 31 State Health Information Exchange Plans, last updated on September 1, 2010.

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