Supplemental Challenge Funding to State HIE Programs: FAQs, Slides, Audio from Tech Assistance Call

Supplemental Challenge Funding to State HIE  Programs
FAQs, Slides, Audio from Technical Assistance Conference Call

Excerpted from ONC sites on Dec 23, 2010

  • Closing Date for Applications from State HIEs: January 05, 2011 at 5:00 PM, EST
  • Estimated Total Program Funding: $16,296,562
    Technical Assistance Call
Supports awards in five challenge areas to enable nationwide health information exchange:
§Achieving health goals through health information exchange
§Improving long-term and post-acute care transitions
§Consumer-mediated information exchange
§Enabling enhanced query for patient care
§Fostering population-level analytics

PDF Version

1. How do I determine if my organization is an eligible applicant for this funding opportunity?
Current direct award recipients of the State HIE Cooperative Agreement program are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. To determine if your organization is the eligible entity in your state, review the most recent Notice of Grant Award for the State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program. The direct award recipient is listed in Box 11 “Recipient Organization.” There are 56 eligible organizations for this funding opportunity.

2. Can we apply for funding to support an unfunded project we discussed in our State Plan submitted under the State HIE Cooperative Agreement program?
Funds under this announcement cannot be used to fund activities already presented in the Strategic and Operational Plans and funded as part of the scope of work under the State HIE Cooperative Agreement. Funds cannot be used to supplant or replace current public or private funding of projects. Funds also cannot be used to supplant ongoing or usual activities of any organization involved in the project. However, if a project was presented in the State Plan but clearly not funded with public or private monies and is not part of ongoing scope of work of an affiliated organization, it may be submitted as part of a project under this funding opportunity.

3. As part of our proposed project, we will contract with a vendor to develop software for use by providers in the project. Please clarify what is meant by “Any IT system components (e.g., software, data models, etc.) developed by the awardees under this funding opportunity will be made available to any state.” Does this mean any IT development must be open source?
No, IT development does not have to be open source. The purpose of this program is to fund innovative technology development and approaches in pilot sites that will then be shared, reused, and leveraged by other states and communities to increase nationwide interoperability. Anything developed with funds under this cooperative agreement must be accessible and usable outside of the pilot site. Successful awardees must demonstrate how the tools, systems, or models developed under this cooperative agreement will be easily adapted and implemented beyond the pilot scope of work.

4. Can we propose a project with a geographic area that overlaps with a Beacon awardee?
While nothing in this funding announcement prohibits an overlap in targeted geographic areas, the scope of work must be different for both projects; funds under this announcement cannot be used to supplant or replace current public or private funding.

5. How should the budget documentation be presented in the application?
Applicants are required to submit a one-year budget for each year of the project period. Please remember that the challenge grants period of performance (project period) ends at the
same time as the current cooperative agreement. Therefore, budgets should only be submitted for the remaining three years in the cooperative agreement since the project periods will be married. Applicants are suggested to use the format included as Appendix A of the Funding Opportunity Announcement. Applicants are also encouraged to refer to Appendix J of the State HIE Cooperative Agreement FOA, which provides an example of the level of detail sought.
A combined multi-year Budget Narrative/Justification, as well as a detailed Budget Narrative/Justification for each year of potential grant funding is also required. Instructions were provided in Appendix I of the State HIE Cooperative Agreement FOA that pertain to completing the SF 424.

6. Can the eligible entity apply for this funding opportunity and then contract or subgrant the substantive work to an outside entity?
The direct award recipient must have direct oversight and accountability for the project. When preparing the budget, the six contractual elements required to be submitted when subawarding a substantial portion of the programmatic work must be included. These are:
I. Name of Contractor: Who is the contractor
II. Method of Selection: ? Identify the name of the proposed contractor and indicate whether the contract is with an institution or organization.
How was the contractor selected
III. Period of Performance: ? State whether the contract is sole source or competitive bid. If an organization is the sole source for the contract, include an explanation as to why this institution is the only able to perform contract services.
How long is the contract period
IV. Scope of Work: ? Specify the beginning and ending dates of the contract.
What will the contractor do
V. Method of Accountability: ? Describe in outcome terms the specific services/tasks to be performed by the contractor as related to the accomplishment of program objectives. Deliverables should be clearly defined.
How will the contractor be monitored
VI. Itemized budget and justification: Provide an itemized budget with appropriate justification. If applicable, include any indirect cost paid under the contract and indirect cost used. Provide a copy of the negotiated indirect cost rate agreement. ? Describe how the progress and performance of the contractor will be monitored during and on close of the contract period. Identify who will be responsible for supervising the contract.

7. Can my state’s eligible entity request funding for more than one challenge theme?
Eligible entities may submit one application per challenge theme; therefore, no more than five applications are permitted from each eligible entity. Each application must clearly indicate the challenge theme addressed. Approximately 10 awards will be made; it is possible for an eligible entity to receive more than one award.

8. Can letters of commitment to the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement be used to demonstrate commitment to this initiative?
Yes. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to include letters of commitment from key program partners and stakeholders that are specific to the project proposed in the application.

9. Some staff supported under the State HIE Cooperative Agreement would be proposed in our application to support the challenge project. Is that allowable? Can we rebudget our State HIE Cooperative Agreement to reflect the staffing shifts?
Applicants are advised that the scope of work and budget for this application must be separate from the funded scope of work in the State Health Information Exchange cooperative agreement. In the event that staff may overlap, please note that ONC will develop a process for successful applicants to finalize the scope of work, staffing, and budget to ensure that successful performance of the Health Information Exchange cooperative agreement is not jeopardized and to assure that funds are not supplanted.

PDF of Funding Announcement
Health Information Exchange Challenge Program Funding Opportunity Announcement

See previous e-Healthcare Marketing post on Challenge Program.

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